Project record of Comparative Evaluations of Innovative Solutions in European Solutions in European fisheries management


Comparative Evaluations of Innovative Solutions in European Solutions in European fisheries management
Description @en
CEVIS assesses potential innovations for European fisheries management regimes in respect to four general management objectives: biological robustness; economic efficiency, the cost effectiveness of management activities; and social robustness. CEVIS examines a few types of regime-level innovations, such as: the use of participatory approaches to fisheries governance; right based regimes and decision rule system. The central research objectives of CEVIS are expressed by four disciplinary, cross-case work packages that focus on the implications of these types of innovations for the general management objectives in four case studies in the UE that have similar fisheries and have implemented these four types of innovations. CEVIS has to final products. The first is an Innovation Evaluation Framework made up of indicators of inputs and outcomes in relation to the four general management objectives. This will be an aid to fisheries managers wishing to assess the suitability of possible changes in EU fisheries management price. The second is a report based on the case studies that evaluates this specific set of potential regime-level innovations for use in EU fisheries management.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Wilson Doug
associated with: Innovative Fisheries Management
role: Co-ordinator
LuleƄ University of Technology
role: Partner
European Commission Joint Research Center
role: Partner
Technical University of Denmark; National Institute of Aquatic Resources; The Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
role: Partner
AZTI Foundation
role: Partner
University of Tromso; Norwegian College of Fisheries Science
role: Partner
Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia
role: Partner
University of Iceland; Fisheries Research Institute
role: Partner
Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University; Institute of Food and Resource Economics
role: Partner
Institute for Applied Ecology
role: Partner
Fisheries Research Service; Marine Laboratory
role: Partner
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research
role: Partner
Institute of Marine Research
role: Partner


Fisheries management
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 3220
geographic terms
A, Atlantic
ANE, Baltic Sea, Oder Estuary
ANE, North Sea
MED, Mediterranean
PN, Arctic

special collections

Theme 6: Ecomorphology and coastal habitats
Theme 7: Reservation and preservation of coastal biodiversity

record metadata

date created: 2007-05-02
date modified: 2009-02-26