Project record of MYTILOS


Description @en
The purpose of the Mytilos project is the development of an interregional costal water quality monitoring network through biological integrators (mussels), for the sustainable protection of the Western Mediterranean Sea. This 3-year project was launched in January 2004 and is an integral part of the INTERREG III B MEDOCC programme Mytilos is actively involved in the integration, standardisation and harmonisation of activities among Member States and neighbouring countries. Member countries associated with this project are France, Italy, Greece, Spain ; third countries associated with Mytilos are Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Objectives : The purpose of the Mytilos project is the development of an interregional costal water quality monitoring network through biological integrators (mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis), for the sustainable protection of the Western Mediterranean Sea. This evaluation and monitoring network of the coastal contamination carries out an active biomonitoring through caged mussels. This caging method has been implemented on the French coasts since 1996 (100 cages). This goal will be achieved through :
  • setting up a network of partners with the same methodology,
  • implementing a standard protocol in the Western Mediterranean, including its dissemination among the Maghreb partners,
  • evaluating the chemical quality of the Mediterranean Sea as identified in the Framework Directive in the field of water policy
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Blottière Charlotte
associated with: Toulon Var Technologies
role: Co-ordinator
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
role: Co-ordinator
Benbrahim Samir
associated with: National Institute for Fisheries Research
role: Partner
Abdelghani Chafik
associated with: National Institute for Fisheries Research
role: Partner
Institut des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du Littoral
role: Partner
National Institute of marine sciences and technologies
role: Partner


defined term set: CSA Technology Research Database Master Thesaurus
term code: 69370
defined term set: CAB Thesaurus
term code: 154799
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 6589
geographic terms
MED, Western Mediterranean

special collections

ENCORA: NorAfricaCoast
Theme 4: Pollution, prevention, detection and mitigation
Theme 7: Reservation and preservation of coastal biodiversity

record metadata

date created: 2008-06-17
date modified: 2008-06-17