Project record of AquaGen - Genetic Assignment of Farmed Cod and Sole for Traceability, Biosafety and Environmental Impact Assessment


AquaGen - Genetic Assignment of Farmed Cod and Sole for Traceability, Biosafety and Environmental Impact Assessment
Description @en
The sustainable future of fisheries is a central goal of the Common Fisheries Policy. This is however challenged by the current overexploitation of European stocks, due to the high EU demand of fish and fish products. Recently, the European Parliament suggested in a resolution that boosting aquaculture activity in Europe could help to meet the growing consumer demand. It was however also stressed that a focus on sustainability should be applied along with safeguards to prevent environmental and public health risks, i.e. biosafety must be sustained. Similarly, opportunities and challenges arising from aquaculture in the European Union have been addressed in a Communication from the European Commission and in the Green Paper on the CFP reform. While genetic technology can strongly support aquaculture management and adequately address challenges arising from aquaculture, examples of genetic technology applications are sparse and do currently mainly involve salmonids. For marine fish, the potential genetic impact of farmed fish on wild populations has been dealt with primarily on a theoretical level. The genetic assignment of fish to their farm of origin is key to resolving fundamental questions and challenges arising from aquaculture. It constitutes an asset to future traceability and (eco-) labelling schemes, as proposed by the Commission and the European Parliament. Moreover tracing back aquaculture escapees to the farm of origin is indispensible to evaluate the potential genetic impact of domestication of farmed aquatic species on wild populations, as well as for control purposes. Fish farming can also be used to release cultured juveniles for restocking of wild populations and sea ranching. Assessing the success of such approaches also requires the ability to trace farm origin individuals back to the source. By focussing on two marine fish species, of major commercial interest, common sole (Solea solea) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), this study aims at building a basis for aquaculture management of marine fish based on genetic tools, including the monitoring and control of farm escapees, and fish farming for restocking purposes of wild populations. This study:
  • Evaluates the feasibility of distinguishing genetically between farmed and wild common sole and Atlantic cod;
  • Evaluates the feasibility of genetically tracing individual fish back to a farmed origin, - ideally to the farm of origin -, in common sole and Atlantic cod;
  • Develops appropriate identification methodologies, including a comparison of population assignment methods with parentage identification techniques, to provide the greatest power for correctly identifying farmed individuals;
  • Develops traceability assays within a forensic framework (standard operating procedures) in order to ensure that the assays can be applied in a legal context;
  • Examines the applicability of the approach to other marine aquaculture species, particularly farmed in the Mediterranean, e.g. European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata).

    Institutes & people involved

    Carvalho Gary
    associated with: University of Wales Bangor; School of Biological Sciences; Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Laboratory
    Taylor Martin
    associated with: University of Wales Bangor; School of Biological Sciences; Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Laboratory
    Nielsen Einar Eg
    associated with: Technical University of Denmark; National Institute of Aquatic Resources
    Volckaert Filip
    associated with: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Diversiteit en Systematiek van Dieren
    Maes Gregory
    associated with: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Diversiteit en Systematiek van Dieren
    Tinti Fausto
    associated with: University of Bologna
    University of Padova; Department of Public Health, General Pathology and Veterinary Hygiene
    role: Partner
    European Commission Joint Research Center
    role: Sponsor
    TRACE - Wildlife Forensics Network
    role: Organiser

    record metadata

    date created: 2011-05-06
    date modified: 2011-05-06