- Type
- Project
- Name
- Full scale dynamic load monitoring of rubble mound breakwaters
- Description @en
- Propagation of the effect of surface waves in the bottom of the sea. Stability of the surface-layer-elements on a breakwater or on the slope of river banks or navigation channels. Cracking due to hydratation heath in massive surface layer elements. Research related to erosion, or sedimentation of beaches. Coastal dynamics, the point of view of the European experience.
- Description @nl
- Voortplanting van de golfwerking in de grondlagen onder de zeebodem; - stabiliteit van deklaagelementen op een golfbreker of als bekleding van een oever van rivier of kanaal; - scheurvorming ten gevolge van hydratatiewarmte in massieve betonelementen, bv. deklaagelementen; - onderzoek naar erosie, resp. aangroei van stranden (kustmorfologie).De kustdynamica vertrekkend van de Europese ervaring.
- Start date
- 1993-2
- End date
- 1996-1
- Coastal engineering
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 1634
- Coastal morphology
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 1644
- Coastal waters
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 1653
- Physical oceanography
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 6187
- Rubblemound breakwaters
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 7067
- geographic terms
- ANE, North Sea, Southern Bight