Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- ADST-Shark: Unravelling the movement behaviour of starry smooth hound using ADST tags
- Abstract in English
- In this field study the potential of Acoustic-Data-Storage-Tags (ADST) is tested using starry smooth hound (Mustelas asterias) as a model species. ADST tags are a novel product of Vemco -Innovasea combining acoustic tag technology with DST. In this study the movement behaviour of the species in the Southern North Sea is investigated.
- Rights
- This work is licensed under meaning it is under moratorium until 2025-07-01
- bibliographicCitation
- Reubens, J.; Pohl, L.; Deneudt, K.; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; (2023): ADST-Shark: Unravelling the movement behaviour of starry smooth hound using ADST tags. Marine Data Archive.
Temporal coverage
- Temporal
- Start date
- 2018-07-01
- Accrual periodicity
- Continuous
Thesaurus terms
- Keyword
- Acoustic Archival
- Acoustic data storage tag (ADST)
- Acoustic telemetry
- Electronic tagging
- Movement ecology
- theme
- Biology
- Biology > Fish
- Fisheries > Fish stocks/catches/taggings