Institute record of Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie


Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie
Research group Marine Biology@en
Parent institute
Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Ecology and Biodiversity
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgium
Description @en
The research group Marine Biology specialises in (molecular) marine ecology of fauna from the poles and temperate seas to the tropics and from invertebrates to fishes. The main research topic is the connectivity of populations by pelagic early life history stages (eggs and larvae), which can potentially drift with ocean currents hundreds of kilometres. Since adults of most animals in these ecosystems are sedentary and do not migrate, dispersal by early life history stages is the only possibility to replenish exploited populations or to re-colonise disturbed habitats. Knowledge about these processes is important in the context of the design of marine protected area (MPA) networks and ecosystem resilience after natural or anthropogenic disturbance. Exchange among populations is investigated by using molecular genetic techniques (PCR, DNA sequencing and microsatellites) and population genetic analysis. These genetic techniques can also aid species delineation (molecular systematics), species identification (DNA barcoding), and the reconstruction of evolutionary relationships (molecular phylogenetics). Another area of research is the multivariate analysis of community structures in comparison with environmental parameters. Natural and anthropogenic disturbances can have profound negative effects on the faunal community structure and function of marine ecosystems. Such studies can give insights into sometimes subtle responses of these communities to stressors.


Marc Kochzius
Sezgi Akbal Keskin
Iris Balthazar
Natcha Buncherd
Hugo Ducret
Chaimae El Bouzidi
Arida Fauziyah
Filip Huyghe
Edward Mayila
Cretus Mtonga
Hinna Shah
Joseph Ricky Tamayo

Past members

Diana Alcazar
John Appah
Debora Benjamen
Lorenzo Borella
Jan Bouwens
Henrique Bravo
Carol Buitrago
Kevin De Winter
Ines Decorte
Thibaud Demierbe
P.A. Kushlani Dissanayake
Jacobus Engelbrecht
Elsa García Mayoral
Devonne Goad
Hanneloor Heynderickx
Muhammad Iqram
Juana Jimenez Alcantara
Quentin Jossart
Victoria Louis
Pieter Meeremans
Alex Nehemia
Mike Olendo
Kennedy Osuka
Levy Otwoma
Lucía Paiz-Medina
Pankaj Pant
Tim Plevoets
Diary Rapanoel
Hajaniaina Ratsimbazafy
Cyrus Rumisha
Puspitaningasih Sutrisno
Laura Van der Jeucht
Rosa van der Ven
Margo Van Gyseghem
Xander Velkeneers
Coralie Verhaegen


defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181484
Climate change
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181490
Ecosystem functioning
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181495
Molecular biology
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181511
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181516
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181522

Special collections

Marine expertise
Marine expertise: Type: Flemish university

record metadata

date created: 2011-11-25
date modified: 2017-06-13