Institute record of Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie


Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie
Operational Directorate Taxonomy and Phylogeny@en
Parent institute
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen
Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussel, Belgium
Description @en
The Operational Directorate Taxonomy and Phylogeny is part of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) which was founded in 1846 under its former name, the 'Koninklijk Natuurhistorisch Museum van België' (Royal Belgian Natural History Museum). This Directorate conducts research on animal biodiversity and evolution, and more specifically, speciation, adaptation, biotic interactions and integrative taxonomy. Particular attention is paid to the identification and description of new taxa (primarily via morphology and DNA barcoding), the expansion of introduced and invasive species, the importance of chemical communication in insects, the effects of habitat disruption, the reconstruction of phylogenetic relations, the spread and biology of zoonoses, and the creationism versus evolution debate. A limited number of marine taxa are studied in this group. Echinoderms (Echinodermata) (in conjunction with the scientific service ""Heritage""), crustaceans (Crustacea), molluscs (Mollusca), annelids (partim: Oligochaeta), flatworms (Platyhelminthes) and sponges (Porifera). The Directorate performs field work in various parts of the world. Especially the work in Antarctica (Southern Ocean) has a marine focus. The research group is for example involved in SCAR-MarBIN 'the Antarctic Marine Biodiversity Information Network'. The team also contributes to EASIN (European Alien Species Information Network) and has been/is involved in several European marine biological research projects. The OD comprises two specialised research teams that are shared with RMCA (Royal Museum for Central Africa):
  • JEMU: The Joint Experimental Molecular unit;
  • BopCo: Barcoding facility for organisms and tissues of policy concer.


Child organizations
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie; Afdeling insecten
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie; Afdeling Insecten en arachnomorfen
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie; Afdeling Malacologie
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie; Afdeling Recente Invertebraten


Thierry Backeljau
Claude De Broyer
Anicée Lombal
Patrick Martin
Brigitte Segers
Gontran Sonet
Ann Vanderheyden

Past members

Léon Baert
Wilfrida Decraemer
Sofie Derycke
Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz
Frank Fiers
Séverine Fourdrilis
Sophie Gombeer
Patrick Grootaert
Frederik Hendrickx
Alain Pauly
Yoo Ree Van Bourgonie
Isabella Van de Velde


Alien species
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181480
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181484
Molecular biology
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181511
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181512
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181516
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181522

Special collections

Marine expertise
Marine expertise: Type: Federal scientific institution

record metadata

date created: 2013-10-24
date modified: 2013-10-24