Project record of In situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar using the traditional dumping technique


In situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar using the traditional dumping technique
Description @en
In 2006 a second disposal test (500.000 + 900.000 m3) was executed near the Walsoorden sandbar, using the traditional clapping technique to dispose the dredged sediments. An intensive monitoring programme (+ evaluation criteria) were defined based on the experience of the first test. The monitoring consisted of MBES, sediment transport and ecological monitoring. Most of monitoring was performed by external contractors (contracts with Flemish government).

JJP was a member of the steering committee that performed the follow-up of the monitoring and the results.

In 2010 FHR evaluated this second disposal test and organized a workshop where the results were presented.

Parent project
New disposal strategy for the Westerschelde
Start date
End date


Evaluation of the in situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar 2006
Monitoring by external contractors of the in situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar 2006
Monitoring by external contractors of the in situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar 2006: continuation
Numerical research on the reshaped tip of the Walsoorden sandbar
Planning of the in situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar 2006
Workshop on results of in situ disposal test near the Walsoorden sandbar 2006

Institutes & people involved

Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Antwerpen
role: Proposer
Peters Jean Jacques
associated with: Port of Antwerp Expert Team
role: Supervisor
Vlaamse overheid
role: Proposer
Eurosense Belfotop NV
role: Executant
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; Netherlands Institute of Ecology
role: Executant

special collections

Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium

record metadata

date created: 2013-02-05
date modified: 2013-03-20