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Map of the Scheldt ports and other ports in the 'Hamburg - Le Havre range' with the relative and absolute distribution of cargo transshipment by type of transport in 2008 [Kaart van de Scheldehavens en andere havens in de ‘Hamburg - Le Havre range’ met de relatieve en absolute verdeling van de goederenoverslag over de verschillende transporttypen in 2008] Citation Scope Themes: Coastal studies (e.g. shores, estuaries) Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Fresh water, Brackish water, Harbours, Socioeconomic aspects, ANE, Belgium, Brugge, Zeebrugge Harbour, ANE, France, Haute-Normandie, Le Havre, ANE, France, Nord, Dunkerque, ANE, Germany, Bremen, ANE, Germany, Hamburg, ANE, Netherlands, Rotterdam Harbour, ANE, Netherlands, Zeeland, Belgium, Gent, Gent Harbour, Belgium, Zeeschelde, Antwerp Harbour, Netherlands, Amsterdam Geographical coverage ANE, Belgium, Brugge, Zeebrugge Harbour [Marine Regions] ANE, France, Haute-Normandie, Le Havre ANE, France, Nord, Dunkerque [Marine Regions] ANE, Germany, Bremen [Marine Regions] ANE, Germany, Hamburg [Marine Regions] ANE, Netherlands, Rotterdam Harbour [Marine Regions] ANE, Netherlands, Zeeland [Marine Regions] Belgium, Gent, Gent Harbour [Marine Regions] Belgium, Zeeschelde, Antwerp Harbour [Marine Regions] Netherlands, Amsterdam [Marine Regions] Parameter Goods Transhipment Publication Describing this dataset (2010). Socio-economisch belang van de havens. Indicatoren voor het Schelde-estuarium. Opgemaakt in opdracht van Afdeling Maritieme Toegang, projectgroep EcoWaMorSe, Vlaams Nederlandse Scheldecommissie. VLIZ Information Sheets, 202. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. . 11 pp., more Data type: Static maps Metadatarecord created: 2010-08-12 Information last updated: 2022-08-02 |