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Breeding bird counts in the Yser-valley [Broedvogelgegevens Ijzervallei] Citation Contact: Devos, Koenraad Availability: Restricted The data are withheld from general circulation and disclosure but access may be obtained on a case-by-case basis through negotiation Description Inventarisatie van broedvogels in het vogelrichtlijngebied: Ijzervallei more Inventarisatie van broedvogels in het vogelrichtlijngebied: Ijzervallei. De gegevens werden verzameld in functie van beleid en beheer van dit gebied. Scope Keywords: Terrestrial, Breeding birds, Grassland birds, Marsh birds, Belgium, Belgian Coast, Belgium, IJzervallei, Aves Temporal coverage 1988 - 2009 Yearly Taxonomic coverage Aves [WoRMS] Parameters Count of territories or breeding couples Date Locations Species composition Contributors Project Monitoring van Natura 2000 gebieden, more Dataset status: Completed Data type: Data Data origin: Monitoring: field survey Metadatarecord created: 2012-11-05 Information last updated: 2012-11-05 |