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Gridded abundance maps of the benthic species from the North Sea Citation Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ); Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ); (2015): Gridded abundance maps of the benthic species from the North Sea; European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project (www.emodnet-biology.eu), funded by the European Commission’s Directorate - General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/5452 Contact: Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Pictures (18) Description Gridded abundance maps of selected benthos taxa in the North Sea. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) and the Scale: log-transformed abundance. Data was derived from the 1986 North Sea Benthos Survey (Craeymeersh J., P. Kingston, E. Rachor, G. Duineveld, Carlo Heip, Edward Vanden Berghe, 1986: North Sea Benthos Survey.). Scope Themes: Biology > Benthos Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Biota, Coordinate reference systems, Data not evaluated, Geoscientific Information, Interpolated mapping, Metadata not evaluated, NetCDF (Network Common Data Form), No limitations to public access, Oceans, Regional, WGS84 (EPSG:4326), ANE, North Sea, Abra prismatica (Montagu, 1808), Amphiura filiformis (O.F. Müller, 1776), Bathyporeia elegans Watkin, 1938, Chaetozone setosa Malmgren, 1867, Echinocardium cordatum (Pennant, 1777), Goniada maculata Örsted, 1843, Harpinia antennaria Meinert, 1890, Lunatia poliana (Della Chiaje, 1826), Marenzelleria Mesnil, 1896, Mysella bidentata (Montagu, 1803), Nephtys hombergii Savigny in Lamarck, 1818, Nephtys longosetosa Örsted, 1842, Ophelia borealis Quatrefages, 1866, Ophiura albida Forbes, 1839, Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje, 1844, Scoloplos armiger (Müller, 1776), Spio filicornis (Müller, 1776), Spiophanes bombyx (Claparède, 1870), Spiophanes kroyeri Grube, 1860 Geographical coverage ANE, North Sea [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage 1986 Taxonomic coverage Abra prismatica (Montagu, 1808) [WoRMS] Amphiura filiformis (O.F. Müller, 1776) [WoRMS] Bathyporeia elegans Watkin, 1938 [WoRMS] Chaetozone setosa Malmgren, 1867 [WoRMS] Echinocardium cordatum (Pennant, 1777) [WoRMS] Goniada maculata Örsted, 1843 [WoRMS] Harpinia antennaria Meinert, 1890 [WoRMS] Lunatia poliana (Della Chiaje, 1826) [WoRMS] Marenzelleria Mesnil, 1896 [WoRMS] Mysella bidentata (Montagu, 1803) [WoRMS] Nephtys hombergii Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 [WoRMS] Nephtys longosetosa Örsted, 1842 [WoRMS] Ophelia borealis Quatrefages, 1866 [WoRMS] Ophiura albida Forbes, 1839 [WoRMS] Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje, 1844 [WoRMS] Scoloplos armiger (Müller, 1776) [WoRMS] Spio filicornis (Müller, 1776) [WoRMS] Spiophanes bombyx (Claparède, 1870) [WoRMS] Spiophanes kroyeri Grube, 1860 [WoRMS] Contributors Related datasets Source dataset: NSBS: North Sea Benthos Survey, more URLs Dataset status: Completed Data type: Data products Data origin: Monitoring: field survey Metadatarecord created: 2016-10-07 Information last updated: 2024-12-04 |