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Biodiversity of the Banco di Santa Croce, a marine protected area in the Gulf of Naples
Zupo V. & Buia M.C.; Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn; (2018) Biodiversity of the Banco di Santa Croce, a marine protected area in the Gulf of Naples.

Availability: The data can be made available upon request, please use contact information.

Characterization of ecological descriptors and at the investigation of structural and functional relationships benthos-nekton-plankton within the Benco di Santa Croce protected area, to allow the formulation of an effective management and protection plan. Several data-sets were collected and analysed (Nutrient concentration in the water column, chemical and physical descriptors, water currentometry, fractioned chlorophyll, micro- and macro-zooplankton, fish stocks evaluated by visual census and collections by nets, gut contents of fish and benthic invertebrates, faunistic and floristic composition of benthic assemblages, heavy metal contents of the tissues of fish) to obtain a dynamic model of simulation of the food web within the area.

Biology > Benthos, Biology > Fish, Biology > Plankton, Water composition
Marine/Coastal, Biodiversity, Data, Food webs, Marine Genomics, MED, Italy, Campania, Naples Gulf

Geographical coverage
MED, Italy, Campania, Naples Gulf [Marine Regions]

Count of fish
Current direction
Heavy metals
Stomach content
Water quality

Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Dohrn' of Naples (SZN), more

Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2018-11-27
Information last updated: 2018-11-27
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