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SBS LtM: GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of Long-term Monitoring (LtM) by Senckenberg Citation Martinez Arbizu; 2021; Long-term Monitoring case study. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/6683 Contact: Martinez Arbizu, Pedro ; Christodoulou, Magdalini Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Description One of the case studies of the soft-bottom monitoring of macrobenthos pilot study is the Long-term Monitoring (LTM) case study. The LTM case study takes place in a long-term sampling location near Norderney Island (part of SGN´s Long Term Ecological Research North Sea Benthos Observatory), where SGN has a 40year time series and is one of the few long-term benthic study sites in the North Sea and the world. Five stations were sampled at water depths between 10-20 m north of the island of Norderney (German North Sea) three times within a year (September 2019, March 2020, June 2020). Each time ten samples were taken by using a Van Veen grab sampler, five of which were preserved in alcohol and the rest five in formaldehyde for the DNA metabarcoding and the traditional monitoring respectively. more Following the sampling the samples were morphological identified while the alcohol samples were also processed genetically (metabarcoding). Traditional morphological analyses are compared with DNA-based methods in order to demonstrate the improvement of applying novel techniques (i.e. regarding cost and time benefits) as well as establish a methodology independent from the identification skills of a taxonomist. With this case study the aim is to optimize and harmonise DNA-based methods across the North Sea region for macrobenthos. Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Benthos > Macrobenthos, Biology > Ecology - biodiversity Keywords: Marine/Coastal, ANE, Germany, German part of the North Sea Geographical coverage ANE, Germany, German part of the North Sea [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage 1 March 2019 - 28 February 2022 Contributors Senckenberg am Meer; German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB), more, data provider, data creator Related datasets Parent dataset: GEANS Data: Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region, more Project GEANS: Genetic Tools for Ecosystem Health Assessment in the North Sea Region, more Funding Other EU initiatives out of framework URLs Dataset status: In Progress Data type: Data Data origin: Research: field survey Metadatarecord created: 2021-03-25 Information last updated: 2023-07-13 |