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Grand Passage raw FAT, CTD and ADCP data Citation Razaz, M.; School of Ocean Science & Engineering (USM); (2021): Grand Passage raw FAT, CTD and ADCP data. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/7750 Contact: Razaz, Mahdi Availability: ![]() Description A feasibility experiment was carried out with the Fluvial Acoustic Tomography (FAT) system to assess the combined effects of irregular bathymetry, horizontal and vertical sound-speed gradients, and macro-turbulence on the quality of FAT-estimated velocities. more The experiment involved reciprocal transmissions at 30 s intervals for 4 days with two 7 kHz broadband transceivers. To determine the origin and potential interpretive value of the frequent multiple arrivals in the unstratified, highly-turbulent flow conditions, we performed a series of simulations with the Bellhop3D model. We demonstrate that the multiple arrivals mainly arise from out-of-plane sound propagation p aths resulting from the effects of the local bathymetry. The maximum mean difference between FAT-estimated currents and the coincident moving-vessel ADCP transects is found to be less than 10%. Comparisons are also made between velocity spectra during the full flood and ebb determined using the FAT velocities and the vertically-averaged velocities from a bottom-mounted ADCP deployed in a later experiment. The spectra exhibit similar shapes in the frequency and wavenumber overlap regions, indicating that FAT is able to detect macro-turbulence. Good agreement is also obtained between the sound-speed estimates based on travel time and those from in-situ temperature and salinity data. Scope Themes: Physical > Currents - drift - dispersion - tracers, Physical > Underwater acoustics Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Bellhop3D, In-stream tidal energy, Macroscale turbulence, Tidal currents, Time-of-travel, Canada, Nova Scotia Geographical coverage Canada, Nova Scotia Stations [Marine Regions] Grand Passage Coordinates: MinLong: -66,35; MinLat: 44,26 - MaxLong: -66,34; MaxLat: 44,27 [WGS84] Temporal coverage 23 August 2014 Contributors The University of Southern Mississippi; School of Ocean Science & Engineering, more, data creator Dataset status: Completed Data type: Data Data origin: Research: field experiment Metadatarecord created: 2021-07-02 Information last updated: 2021-08-03 |