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Btrait: working with biological data and trait information Citation Soetaert K, Beauchard O (2023). Btrait: Working with Biological density, taxonomy, and trait composition data. R package version x.x.x. Data product created under the European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology Phase IV. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/8217 Contact: Availability: Licence Conditions of supply and usage of the data are specified in a formal agreement. Description The R-package Btrait contains functions and data sets to work with density data, trait information and taxonomic relationships. The package contains: * functions to work with a combination of species-density (or species-biomass) data, species-trait information, and taxonomy * two data sets with density and biomass data of the macrobenthos\footnote{macrobenthos are animals that live in the sediment and that are generally larger than 1 mm} in the North Sea. * several macrobenthos trait databases
Scope Themes: Biology > Benthos Keywords: Fresh water, Brackish water, Benthos, Data not evaluated, Metadata not evaluated, No limitations to public access Contributors Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; Estuarine and Delta Systems (EDS), more, data creator, manager Project EMODnet Bio IV: European Marine Observation and Data Network- Biology IV, more Funding EU URLs Dataset status: In Progress Data type: Software/models/scripts Data origin: Research Release date: 2023-03-14 Metadatarecord created: 2023-03-06 Information last updated: 2024-07-08 |