Parent institute: Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie; Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; Afdeling Biodiversiteit en Natuurlijk Milieu (LNE), more
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Person formerly associated with this organization | |
Projects (5) | Top | Persons | Datasets | - ECOPOT: Bepalen van het maximaal en het goed ecologisch potentieel, alsook de huidige toestand voor de zeventien Vlaamse (gewestelijke) waterlichamen die vergelijkbaar zijn met de categorie meren - tweede deel, partim Blokkersdijk, Schulensmeer, Grote Vijver en het Vinne., more
- Herstel van stilstaande wateren in Vlaanderen, more
- Indicatieve situering van het Natura 2000 habitattype 3260 in Vlaanderen, more
- kwaliteitscontrole habitatkaart 5.2, more
- Standplaatsonderzoek van Luronium natans in Vlaanderen, more
Datasets (19) | Top | Persons | Projects | - Ad hoc plant surveys in plots of the Biological Valuation Map, more
- ECOPOT: Biological and abiotic data to determine the ecological potential of larger stagnant waters in Flanders, more
- Biological data of the Kraenepoel, more
- Distribution study of habitat type 3260 in Flanders, more
- TestWat: Ecological Typology and Research for an Integrated Assessment Method for stagnant waters at regional scale: cornerstones for development, restoration and monitoring of natural values, more
- Geese data monitoring poldercomplex, more
- Grassland monitoring project; Partim Grasshoppers / Orthoptera, more
- Grassland monitoring project; Partim vegetation survey in Flanders and at the coast, more
- LSVI BIM: Local conservation status BIM LSVI , more
- Macrof_I_REFCOND: Macrophyte database MF1, more
- Macrof_II: Macrophyte database MF2 Macrophytes 2004 flowing water and Macrophytes 2004 stagnant water, more
- FytobII: Phytobenthos data Flemish Water Bodies, more
- kwalcontrolhab5.2: Quality control Habitatmap 5.2, more
- Restoration of stagnant waters in Flanders (Survey), more
- Site investigation of Luronium natans in Flanders, more
- TyHaWaSt: Typology and habitats of stagnant waters, more
- Vegetation surveys (PQ's) Dudzele, Pompje, Klemskerke Vlissegem, more
- Langdonken: Water and riparian vegetation data recovery Zuiderkempen (Biotic & Abiotic), more
- Water flea distribution in Flemish stagnant waters, more