- CeNoBS: Paiu R.M., Gol'din, P., Popov, D., Tonay, A., Dede, A., Meshkova, G., Timofte, C.; (2021): Sea birds sightings in the Black Sea recorded by CeNoBS Aerial Expedition in 2019. Marine Data Archive., more
- CeNoBS: Paiu R.M., Panigada S., Gol'din, P., Popov, D., Tonay, A., Dede, A., Meshkova, G., Timofte C.; (2021): Marine mammal sightings in the Black Sea recorded by CeNoBS Aerial Expedition in 2019., more
- Popov, D. and Meshkova, G. 2022. Cetacean strandings along Bulgarian Black Sea coast 2010-2022. Green Balkans NGO Cetacean Monitoring and Conservation Program., more