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Kan Vlaanderen het tij nog keren voor de Europese paling? Effecten van tien jaar Europese bescherming op het voortbestaan van de Paling in Vlaanderen
Van Wichelen, J.; Belpaire, C.; Buysse, D.; Baeyens, R.; Verhelst, P.; Vergeynst, J.; Pauwels, I.; Van Thuyne, G.; De Meyer, J.; Stevens, M.; Vlietinck, K.; Mouton, A.; Coeck, J. (2018). Kan Vlaanderen het tij nog keren voor de Europese paling? Effecten van tien jaar Europese bescherming op het voortbestaan van de Paling in Vlaanderen. Natuur.Focus 17(1): 4-10
In: Natuur.Focus. Natuurpunt: Mechelen. ISSN 1379-8863, more
Related to:
Van Wichelen, J. (2018). Kan Vlaanderen het tij nog keren voor de Europese paling? Parnassia 18(70): 7-12, more
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    Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) [WoRMS]

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    Despite the many restoration measures launched to prevent the Eelfrom further decline, glass eel recruitment and yellow eel density remain troublesome. Eel life is challenging in Flemish waters, where migration routes are blocked by barriers, where unnatural banks and toxic substances hamper growth and reproductive capacity and where pumping stations abruptly end many Eels’ lives. In spite of high levels of pollutants in its meat, Eels still end up on anglers plates (ca. 30 tons/year). Urgent actions are needed to increase the amount of easily accessible high-quality watercourses with more natural flow dynamics. As long as the tides are not turned, a more vigorous European policy on the restriction of the Eel fishery (including elvers) seems indispensable.

All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Authors