IMIS Photogallery » Persons Sebastiaan Vanpraet
JPG file - 11.16 MB - 6 048 x 4 024 pixels Extra information FileName: 168989.jpg FileDateTime: 1712233749 FileSize: 11164509 FileType: 2 MimeType: image/jpeg SectionsFound: ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF, GPS, INTEROP COMPUTED.html: width="6048" height="4024" COMPUTED.Height: 4024 COMPUTED.Width: 6048 COMPUTED.IsColor: 1 COMPUTED.ByteOrderMotorola: 0 COMPUTED.ApertureFNumber: f/4.0 COMPUTED.UserComment: COMPUTED.UserCommentEncoding: ASCII COMPUTED.Thumbnail.FileType: 2 COMPUTED.Thumbnail.MimeType: image/jpeg Make: NIKON CORPORATION Model: NIKON Z 6 Orientation: 6 XResolution: 300/1 YResolution: 300/1 ResolutionUnit: 2 Software: Ver.03.10 DateTime: 2023:10:27 08:37:48 YCbCrPositioning: 2 Exif_IFD_Pointer: 352 GPS_IFD_Pointer: 32264 ExposureTime: 10/1250 FNumber: 400/100 ISOSpeedRatings: 3200 ExifVersion: 0231 DateTimeOriginal: 2023:10:27 08:37:48 DateTimeDigitized: 2023:10:27 08:37:48 ComponentsConfiguration: CompressedBitsPerPixel: 4/1 ExposureBiasValue: 0/6 MeteringMode: 5 FocalLength: 500/10 MakerNote: Nikon UserComment: ASCII SubSecTime: 91 SubSecTimeOriginal: 91 SubSecTimeDigitized: 91 FlashPixVersion: 0100 ColorSpace: 1 ExifImageWidth: 6048 ExifImageLength: 4024 InteroperabilityOffset: 32232 SensingMethod: 2 FileSource: SceneType: CFAPattern: CustomRendered: 1 FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 50 GainControl: 1 GPSVersion: InterOperabilityIndex: R98 InterOperabilityVersion: 0100
added on 2024-04-04 98 views Person on image Vanpraet, Sebastiaan Click
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