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Numerical reanalysis (15 km horizontal resolution) over the Iberian Peninsula 2010-2014, WRF and WRFDA (3DVAR) Citation Plentzia Marine Station (UPV/EHU); (2018) Numerical reanalysis (15 km horizontal resolution) over the Iberian Peninsula 2010-2014, WRF and WRFDA (3DVAR). Contact: Sáenz, Jon Availability: The data can be made available upon approval of the data provider, please contact Description Simulation with the WRF atmospheric model and three-dimensional variational data assimilation every six hous (00 UTC, 06UTC, 12 UTC and 18UTC) over the Iberian Peninsula and surroundings. Output files stored every three hours with a 15km x 15 km horizontal resolution. Scope Themes: Meteorology Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Fresh water, Brackish water, Terrestrial, Atmospheric models, Data, Marine Genomics, Iberian Peninsula Geographical coverage Iberian Peninsula Temporal coverage 2010 - 2014 Contributor University of the Basque country; Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU), more Dataset status: Completed Data type: Data products Data origin: Monitoring: field survey Metadatarecord created: 2018-11-27 Information last updated: 2018-11-27 |