In the shoes of the fisher: commercial fishers and the Tasmanian Marine Protected Area policy journey
Hislop, C. (2006). In the shoes of the fisher: commercial fishers and the Tasmanian Marine Protected Area policy journey, in: Chircop, A. et al. (Ed.) Ocean Yearbook 20. Ocean Yearbook, 20: pp. 283-304 In: Chircop, A.; Coffen-Smout, S.; McConnell, M. (Ed.) (2006). Ocean Yearbook 20. Ocean Yearbook, 20. Transnational Publishers: New York. ISBN 978-1571053510. XVII, 996 pp., more In: Ocean Yearbook. University of Chicago Press/Martinus Nijhoff: Chicago/Leiden. ISSN 0191-8575; e-ISSN 2211-6001, more | |