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VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts
(2001). VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Oostende. 72 pp.
Part of: VLIZ Special Publication. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISSN 1377-0950, more
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Document type: Conference

    Marine/Coastal; Brackish water

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  • 1st VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2001, more

  • Martens, C. (2001). Morfo- en sedimentdynamiek van de kustnabije zone te Egmond-aan-Zee (Nederland), in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 7-12, more
  • Vanquickelberghe, V. (2001). Biodiversiteit van het hyperbenthos langs een dieptegradiënt (200 tot 700 m) op de continentale helling, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 13-16, more
  • Craeymeersch, J.A. (2001). Distribution of macrofauna in relation to the micro-distribution of trawling effort, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 18, more
  • Belpaeme, K. (2001). Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The way towards a sustainable coast?, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 28-29, more
  • Beyst, B.; Mees, J. (2001). Use of a Belgian sandy beach as a feeding ground for juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.), in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 30, more
  • Bonne, W.; Vincx, M. (2001). The influence of marine sand extraction on benthic copepod communities, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 31, more
  • Bouillon, S.; Koedam, N.; Raman, A.V.; Rao, A.V.V.S.; Dehairs, F. (2001). Organic carbon in intertidal mangrove forests: sources and utilization by benthic invertebrates, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 32, more
  • Brouns, G.; De Wulf, A. (2001). A survey system for dredging, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 33, more
  • Bulckaen, B.; Mees, J.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M. (2001). An 18 S rDNA based molecular phylogeny of the Mysidacea (Crustacea), in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 34, more
  • Cattaldo, T.; Jeandel, C.; Dehairs, F.; Candaudap, F.; Metzl, N. (2001). Dissolved barium in the Southern Ocean: conservative vs. non-conservative behaviour as constrained by a multiple end-member mixing model, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 35, more
  • De Brabandere, L.; Fisseha, R.; Dehairs, F. (2001). Biogeochemical reworking of sewage discharged in the Scheldt Estuary (Belgium) influences nitrogen and carbon isotopic composition of the aquatic food chain, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 36-37, more
  • De Mesel, I.; Moens, T.; Vincx, M. (2001). The influence of nematode diversity on the decomposition of organic matter and on the associated microbial community: an experimental approach, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 38, more
  • De Mol, B.; Vanreusel, A.; Henriet, J.-P. (2001). 'Hovland' mounds in Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: biological zonation and environmental control, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 39, more
  • Deprez, T. (2001). Taxonomy and biogeography of the shallow water Mysidacea of the Western Indian Ocean: taxonomic and biogeographical research by use of taxonomic databases, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 40, more
  • Engledow, H.R.; Bolton, J.; Coppejans, E. (2001). Preliminary analysis of new records of Plocamium species for the South African East Coast, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 41, more
  • Eyckmans, K.; De Hoog, J.; Deutsch, F.; Van Grieken, R. (2001). Air-water exchange of nutrients and inorganic trace elements on the North Sea and over the French-Flemish North Sea coast, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 42, more
  • Hampel, H.; Cattrijsse, A. (2001). Tidal, diel and lunar changes in estuarine marsh nekton, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 43, more
  • Hostens, K.; de Koeyer, P. (2001). The black box: a story of the brown shrimp and the (un)faithful mysids in the Westerschelde estuary, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 44, more
  • Huybrechts, T.; Dewulf, J.; Van Langenhove, H. (2001). Volatile organic compounds as priority pollutants in the North Sea, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 45, more
  • Huygens, M.; Verhoeven, R.; Willems, M.; Mostaert, F. (2001). An integrated technical research of beach nourishment design for the Flemish East Coast, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 46, more
  • Imbo, Y.; De Batist, M. (2001). Modern large submarine slides on continental margins: a case study on the Antarctic Peninsula margin, the Gebra Slide, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 47, more
  • Leliaert, F.; Anderson, R. J.; Bolton, J. J.; Coppejans, E. (2001). Subtidal understorey algal community structure in kelp beds around the Cape Peninsula (Western Cape, South Africa), in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 48, more
  • Maes, G.E.; Volckaert, F.A.M.J. (2001). Genetic structure of (sub)adult European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) based on allozyme markers, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 49, more
  • Meysman, F.J.R.; Heip, C.H.R.; Herman, P.M.J.; Middelburg, J.J. (2001). MEDIA: a modelling environment for surface sediment biogeochemistry, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 50-51, more
  • Moerkerke, G.; Van Lancker, V.; Huvenne, V. (2001). The acoustic response of the seafloor, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 52, more
  • Pauwels, A.; Vervoort, D. (2001). Strengthening the co-operation on the protection of the marine environment in the Baltic Sea, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 53, more
  • Remerie, T.; Vanreusel, A.; Vanfleteren, J. (2001). Molecular diversity and population structure of three different marine benthic taxa in relation to their means of dispersal, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 54, more
  • Samyn, Y. (2001). Taxonomy, systematics and faunistics of the Holothuroidea from the Western Indian Ocean, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 55, more
  • Schils, T.; De Clerck, O.; Leliaert, F.; Bolton, J. J.; Coppejans, E. (2001). The change in macroalgal assemblages through the Saldanha Bay/Langebaan Lagoon ecosystem (South Africa), in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 56, more
  • Steyaert, M.; Herman, P.M.J.; Moens, T.; Vincx, M. (2001). Tidal migration of nematodes on an estuarine mudflat (Molenplaat, Schelde Estuary, SW Netherlands), in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 57, more
  • Temmerman, S.; Govers, G.; Wartel, S.; Meire, P. (2001). Tidal marsh sedimentation in the Scheldt estuary: a field and modelling approach, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 58-59, more
  • Trouw, K. (2001). Three reasons why morphological models are only useful to extrapolate field data, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 60-61, more
  • Van de Walle, B.; De Rouck, J. (2001). Wave run-up and wave overtopping on a rubble mound breakwater, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 62, more
  • Van Hoey, G.; Degraer, S.; Vincx, M. (2001). Macrobenthic communities of the Belgian Continental Shelf: analysis of combined data collected over a six-year period, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 63-64, more
  • Van Loen, H.; Van Goethem, J. (2001). Neogastropods from the southern North Sea: preliminary faunistic results, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 65, more
  • Van Waeyenberge, J.; Seys, J.; Offringa, H.; Meire, P.; Kuijken, E. (2001). Terns in the harbour of Zeebrugge (Belgium), in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 66, more
  • Vanaverbeke, J.; Gheskiere, T.; Vincx, M. (2001). Meiobenthos and nematode community diversity patterns on isolated sandbank systems from the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 67, more
  • Vande Wiele, T. (2001). Applying global mathematical models in the cartography of sandbanks, a case study, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 68, more
  • Verslycke, T.; De Wasch, K.; De Brabander, H.; Janssen, C.R. (2001). The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer: how different are we from shrimp?, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 69, more
  • Volckaert, A.; Degraer, S.; Engledow, H.; Spanoghe, G.; Vincx, M.; Coppejans, E.; Hoffmann, M. (2001). Artificial hard substrata as ecosystems - a case-study of the Belgian coast, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 70, more
  • Worobiec, A.; De Hoog, J.; Osán, J.; Szalóki, I.; Ro, C.-U.; Eyckmans, K.; Van Grieken, R. (2001). Atmospheric particles above the North Sea: new insights using recent technology, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 71-72, more

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