Address: Kortewagenstraat 53B 9230 Wetteren-ten-Ede Belgium | | E-mail: |
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Publications (4) | Top | Person | Projects | ( 1 peer reviewed ) split up filter- Fazeres-Ferradosa, T.; Chambel, J.; Taveira-Pinto, F.; Rosa-Santos, P.; Taveira-Pinto, F.V.C.; Giannini, G.; Haerens, P. (2021). Scour protections for offshore foundations of marine energy harvesting technologies: a review. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(3): 297., more
- Vanlede, J.; Nazarali, M.; Mertens, A.; Van Braeckel, A. (2024). Toepassing van het SCALDIS-model voor een update van de ecotopenkaarten van de Zeeschelde, in: Wetenschappelijk Scheldesymposium 21 november 2024: book of abstracts. pp. 19, more
- Vanlede, J.; Zijlker, T.; Nazarali, M.; van der Kaaij, T.; Sumihar, J. (2024). Development of a sixth generation Scheldt estuary model: model setup, calibration and validation. Version 0.5. Deltares: Delft. 131 pp., more
- Vanlede, J.; Nazarali, M. (2023). SCALDIS 2020: An updated 3D hydrodynamic model for the Scheldt estuary, in: Kopmann, R. et al. Proceedings of the XXIXth TELEMAC Users Conference 12-13 October 2023. pp. 102-107, more