This institute has changed, see institute underneath Natural England, more
Address: Northminster House Northminster Road Peterborough PE1 1UA Cambridgeshire UK | | Tel.: +44-(0)1733-45 50 00 E-mail: |
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Publications (16) | Top | Projects | ( 10 peer reviewed ) split up filter- White Maple Consulting (2004). Maritime Strategy Web Survey. English Nature Research Reports, 587. English Nature: Peterborough. 33 pp., more
- Tyldesley, D.; Hunt, B. (2003). Review of how the land use planning system could influence the development of a marine spatial planning system for England. English Nature Research Reports, 566. English Nature: Peterborough. 38 pp., more
- Atkinson, P.W.; Crooks, S.; Grant, A.; Rehfisch, M.M. (2001). The success of creation and restoration schemes in producing intertidal habitat suitable for waterbirds. English Nature Research Reports, 425. English Nature: Peterborough. 165 pp., more
- Laffoley, D.d'A. (2000). Historical perspective and selective review of the literature on human impacts on the UK's marine environment: prepared by English Nature for the DETR Working Group on the Review of Marine Nature Conservation. English Nature Research Reports, 391. English Nature: Peterborough. 20 pp., more
- Laffoley, D.d'A.; Baxter, J.; Bines, T.; Bradley, M.; Connor, D.W.; Hill, M.; Tasker, M.; Vincent, M. (2000). An implementation framework for the conservation, protection and management for nationally important marine wildlife in the UK: prepared by the statutory nature conservation agencies, Environment Heritage Services (Northern Ireland) and JNCC for the DETR Working Group on the Review of Marine Nature Conservation. English Nature Research Reports, 394. English Nature: Peterborough. 29 pp., more
- Laffoley, D.d'A.; Connor, D.W.; Tasker, M.L.; Bines, T. (2000). Nationally important marine seascapes, habitats and species: a recommended approach to their identification, conservation and protection: prepared for the DETR Working Group on the Review of Marine Nature Conservation by English Nature and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. English Nature Research Reports, 392. English Nature: Peterborough. 17 pp., more
- Laffoley, D.d'A.; Bines, T. (2000). Protection and management of nationally important marine habitats and species. Prepared by English Nature based on the views of a sample of members of the DETR Working Group on the Review of Marine Nature Conservation. English Nature Research Reports, 390. English Nature: Peterborough. 20 pp., more
- Masters, D.; Gee, K. (1995). Criteria for identifying the critical environmental capital of the maritime zone: a discussion paper. English Nature Research Reports, 136. English Nature: Peterborough. 31 pp., more
- Fowler, S.L.; Pilley, G.M. (1992). Report on the Lundy and Isles of Scilly marine monitoring programmes 1984-1991. English Nature Research Reports, 10. English Nature: United Kingdom. 49 pp., more
- English Nature Research Reports. English Nature: Peterborough. ISSN 0967-876X, more
- English Nature (2005). Our coasts and seas: making space for people, industry and wildlife. English Nature: Peterborough. ISBN 1-85716-849-6. 68 pp., more
- English Nature (2004). Our coasts and seas: a 21st century agenda for their recovery, conservation and sustainable use. Consultation draft. English Nature: Peterborough. 40 pp., more
- Jones, L.A.; Irving, R.; Cork, M.; Coyle, M.D.; Evans, D.; Gilliland, P.M.; Murray, A.R. (2004). The South Western Peninsula Marine Natural Area: a contribution to regional planning and management of the seas around England. English Nature: Peterborough. ISBN 1-85716-759-7. 111 pp., more
- Laffoley, D.d'A.; Maltby, E.; Vincent, M.A.; Mee, L.; Dunn, E.; Gilliland, P.; Hamer, J.P.; Mortimer, D.; Pound, D. (2004). The ecosystem approach: coherent actions for marine and coastal environments. A report to the UK Government. English Nature: Peterborough. ISBN 1-85716-838-0. 64 pp., more
- Harley, M.; Drewitt, A.; Gilliland, P.; Cleary, B.; Langston, R.; Southgate, M.; Marsh, R.; Burges, D.; Marais, M.; Shears, C. (2001). Wind farm development and nature conservation: A guidance document for nature conservation organisations and developers when consulting over wind farm proposals in England. BWEA/English Nature/RSPB/WWF-UK: United Kingdom. 15 pp., more
- Gent, T.; Bray, R. (1994). Conservation and management of great crested newts. English Nature: Peterborough. ISBN 1-85716-154-8. ii, 158 pp., more
Projects (2) | Top | Publications | - MarBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
- The UK Coastal and Marine Resource Atlas, more