Datasets (3) | Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets | - Boets P, Lock K, Mertens J, Goethals P, Adriaens T, Groom Q, Brosens D, Desmet P, Reyserhove L (2018): Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium. v1.5. Ghent University. Dataset/Checklist., more
- Desmet P, Reyserhove L, Oldoni D, Groom Q, Adriaens T, Vanderhoeven S, Pagad S (2023). Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Belgium. Version 1.13. Invasive Species Specialist Group ISSG. Checklist dataset., more
- Reyserhove L, Groom Q, Adriaens T, Desmet P, Dekoninck W, Van Keer K, Lock K (2024). Ad hoc checklist of alien species in Belgium. Version 1.8. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Checklist dataset., more
Publications (18) | Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets | A1 Publications (8) [show] | Meeus, S.; Silva-Rocha, I.; Adriaens, T.; Brown, P.M.J.; Chartosia, N.; Claramunt-López, B.; Martinou, A.F.; Pocock, M.J.O.; Preda, C.; Roy, H.E.; Tricarico, E.; Groom, Q. (2023). More than a bit of fun: the multiple outcomes of a Bioblitz. BioScience 73(3): 168-181., more Groom, Q.; Bräuchler, C.; Cubey, R.; Dillen, M.; Huybrechts, P.; Kearney, N.; Klazenga, N.; Leachman, S.; Paul, D.L.; Rogers, H.; Santos, J.; Shorthouse, D.; Vaughan, A.; von Mering, S.; Haston, E. (2022). The disambiguation of people names in biological collections. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e86089., more Pagad, S.; Bisset, S.; Genovesi, P.; Groom, Q.; Hirsch, T.; Jetz, W.; Ranipeta, A.; Schigel, D.; Sica, Y.V.; McGeoch, M.A. (2022). Country compendium of the global register of introduced and invasive species. Scientific Data 9: 391., more Hardisty, A.R.; Michener, W.K.; Agosti, D.; Alonso García, E.; Bastin, L.; Belbin, L.; Bowser, A.; Buttigieg, P.L.; Canhos, D.A.L.; Egloff, W.; De Giovanni, R.; Figueira, R.; Groom, Q.; Guralnick, R.P.; Hobern, D.; Hugo, W.; Koureas, D.; Ji, L.; Los, W.; Manuel, J.; Manset, D.; Poelen, J.; Saarenmaa, H.; Schigel, D.; Uhlir, P.F.; Kissling, W.D. (2019). The Bari Manifesto: an interoperability framework for essential biodiversity variables. Ecological Informatics 49: 22-31., more- Wetzel, F.T.; Bingham, H.C.; Groom, Q.; Haase, P.; Kõljalg, U.; Kuhlmann, M.; Martin, C.S.; Penev, L.; Robertson, T.; Saarenmaa, H.; Schmeller, D.S.; Stoll, S.; Tonkin, J.D.; Häuser, C.L. (2018). Unlocking biodiversity data: Prioritization and filling the gaps in biodiversity observation data in Europe. Biol. Conserv. 221: 78-85., more
Pysek, P.; Pergl, J.; Essl, F.; Lenzner, B.; Dawson, W.; Kreft, H.; Weigelt, P.; Winter, M.; Kartesz, J.; Nishino, M.; Antonova, L.A.; Barcelona, J.F.; Cabezas, F.J.; Cardenas, D.; Cardenas-Toro, J.; Castano, N.; Chacon, E.; Chatelain, C.; Dullinger, S.; Ebel, A.L.; Figueiredo, E.; Fuentes, N.; Genovesi, P.; Groom, Q.J.; Henderson, L.; Inderjit; Kupriyanov, A.; Masciadri, S.; Maurel, N.; Meerman, J.; Morozova, O.; Moser, D.; Nickrent, D.; Nowak, P.M.; Pagad, S.; Patzelt, A.; Pelser, P.B.; Seebens, H.; Shu, W.S.; Thomas, J.; Velayos, M.; Weber, E.; Wieringa, J.J.; Baptiste, M.P.; van Kleunen, M. (2017). Naturalized alien flora of the world: species diversity, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasion. Preslia 89(3): 203-274., more Lucy, F.E.; Roy, H.; Simpson, A.; Carlton, J.T.; Hanson, J.M.; Magellan, K.; Campbell, M.L.; Costello, M.J.; Pagad, S.; Hewitt, C.L.; McDonald, J.; Cassey, P.; Thomaz, S.; Katsanevakis, S.; Zenetos, A.; Tricarico, E.; Boggero, A.; Groom, Q.; Adriaens, T.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Torchin, M.; Hufbauer, R.; Fuller, P.; Carman, M.R.; Conn, D.B.; Vitule, J.R.S.; Canning-Clode, J.; Galil, B.S.; Ojaveer, H.; Bailey, S.A.; Therriault, T.W.; Claudi, R.; Gazda, A.; Dick, J.T.A.; Caffrey, J.; Witt, A.; Kenis, M.; Lehtiniemi, M.; Helmisaari, H.; Panov, V.E. (2016). INVASIVESNET towards an International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species. Manag. Biol. Inv. 7(2): 131-139., more Adriaens, T.; Sutton-Croft, M.; Owen, K.; Brosens, D.; van Valkenburg, J.; Kilbey, D.; Groom, Q.; Ehmig, C.; Thürkow, F.; Van Hende, P.; Schneider, K. (2015). Trying to engage the crowd in recording invasive alien species in Europe: experiences from two smartphone applications in northwest Europe. Manag. Biol. Inv. 6(2): 215–225., more
| Peer reviewed publication [show] | Groom, Q.; Desmet, P.; Reyserhove, L.; Adriaens, T.; Oldoni, D.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Baskauf, S.J.; Chapman, A.; McGeoch, M.; Walls, R.; Wieczorek, J.; Wilson, J.R.U.; Zermoglio, P.F.; Simpson, A. (2019). Improving Darwin Core for research and management of alien species. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e38084., more
| Books (3) [show] | Adriaens, T; Booy, O.; Branquart, E.; Derveaux, S.; D'Hondt, B.; Fontaine, C.; Groom, Q.; Owen, K.; Robbens, J.; Sugden, H.; Sutton-Croft, M.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; van Valkenburg, J.; Wijnhoven, S. (2014). Clusterinitiatief. SEFINS: De omgeving beschermen tegen invasieve uitheemse soorten. Speciale Editie. 2 Seas Magazine. INTERREG IV A 2 Mers Seas Zeeën: Lille. 30 pp., more Adriaens, T; Booy, O.; Branquart, E.; Derveaux, S.; D'Hondt, B.; Fontaine, C.; Groom, Q.; Owen, K.; Robbens, J.; Sugden, H.; Sutton-Croft, M.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; van Valkenburg, J.; Wijnhoven, S. (2014). Une initiative du cluster: SEFINS: Sauvegarde de l’environnement contre lesespèces exotiques envahissantes. Edition Spéciale. 2 Seas Magazine. INTERREG IV A 2 Mers Seas Zeeën: Lille. 30 pp., more Adriaens, T; Booy, O.; Branquart, E.; Derveaux, S.; D'Hondt, B.; Fontaine, C.; Groom, Q.; Owen, K.; Robbens, J.; Sugden, H.; Sutton-Croft, M.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; van Valkenburg, J.; Wijnhoven, S. (2014). A cluster initiative. SEFINS: Safeguarding the Environment from Invasive Non-native Species. Special Focus. 2 Seas Magazine. INTERREG IV A 2 Mers Seas Zeeën: Lille. 30 pp., more
| Report [show] | Estupinan-Suarez, L.M.; Groom, Q.; Pereira, H.M.; Rodrigues, A.; Sica, Y.V.; Teixeira, H.; Yovcheva, N.; Fernández, M. (2024). Alignment of B3 with European biodiversity initiatives: Insights from EU Policy. D1.5. Biodiversity Building Blocks for policy: Brussels. 56 pp., more
| Other publications (5) [show] | Dillen, M.; Abraham, L.; Bogaerts, A.; De Smedt, S.; Engledow, H.; Leliaert, F.; Trekels, M.; Dessein, S.; Groom, Q. (2024). The Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium Data Management Plan. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e124288., more Agosti, D.; Bénichou, L.; Addink, W.; Arvanitidis, C.; Catapano, T.; Cochrane, G.; Dillen, M.; Döring, M.; Georgiev, T.; Gérard, I.; Groom, Q.; Kishor, P.; Kroh, A.; Kvacek, J.; Mergen, P.; Mietchen, D.; Pauperio, J.; Sautter, G.; Penev, L. (2022). Recommendations for use of annotations and persistent identifiers in taxonomy and biodiversity publishing. Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e97374., more Bingham, H.; Doudin, M.; Weatherdon, L.V.; Despot-Belmonte, K.; Wetzel, F.T.; Groom, Q.; Lewis, E.; Regan, E.; Appeltans, W.; Güntsch, A.; Mergen, M.; Agosti, D.; Penev, L.; Hoffmann, A.; Saarenmaa, H.; Geller, G.; Kim, K.; Kim, H.; Archambeau, A-S.; Haüser, C.; Schmeller, D.S.; Geijzendorffer, I.; García Camacho, A.; Guerra, C.; Robertson, T.; Runnel, V.; Valland, N.; Martin, C.S. (2017). The biodiversity informatics landscape: Elements, connections and opportunities. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e14059., more Vanderhoeven, S.; Adriaens, T.; Desmet, P.; Strubbe, D.; Backeljau, T.; Barbier, Y.; Brosens, D.; Cigar, J.; Coupremanne, M.; De Troch, R.; Eggermont, H.; Heughebaert, A.; Hostens, K.; Huybrechts, P.; Jacquemart, A.-L.; Lens, L.; Monty, A.; Paquet, J.-Y.; Prévot, C.; Robertson, T.; Termonia, P.; Van De Kerchove, R.; Van Hoey, G.; Van Schaeybroeck, B.; Vercayie, D.; Verleye, T.J.; Welby, S.; Groom, Q.J. (2017). Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): building a data-driven framework to inform policy. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e13414., more Koureas, D.; Hardisty, A.; Vos, R.; Agosti, D.; Arvanitidis, C.; Bogatencov, P.; Buttigieg, P.L.; de Jong, Y.; Horvath, F.; Gkoutos, G.; Groom, Q.; Kliment, T.; Kõljalg, U.; Manakos, I.; Marcer, A.; Marhold, K.; Morse, D.; Mergen, P.; Penev, L.; Pettersson, L.; Svenning, J.-C.; Van de Putte, A.; Smith, V.S. (2016). Unifying European biodiversity informatics (BioUnify). Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e7787., more