Institute | Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets | Sorbonne Université; Sorbonne Université/CNRS, Station Biologique de Roscoff (SBR), moreDirect contact at institute:Tel.: +33-(0)298-29 23 12 E-mail:
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Datasets (3) | Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets | - Obst, M.; Exter, K.M.; Pavloudi, C.; Pagnier, J.; Genin, A.; Balazy, P.; Broudin, C.; Cancio, I.; Chełchowski, M.; Chrismas, N.; Comtet, T.; Dailianis, T.; Daraghmeh, N.; Deneudt, K.; Diaz de Cerio, O.; González, J.; Kauppi, L.; Kristoffersen, J.B.; Kukliński, P.; Lasota, R.; Lévêque, L.; Liraz, L.; Loisel, S.; Małachowicz, M.; Mavric, B.; Mortelmans, J.; Paredes Rosendo, E.; Poćwierz-Kotus, A.; Reiss, H.; Santi, I.; Solbakken, J.; Souza Troncoso, J.; Staehr, P.; Tajadura, J.; Thyrring, J.; Viard, F.; Zafeiropoulos, H.; Zbawicka, M.; University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Marine Sciences: Sweden; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture: Greece; The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences Of Eilat: Israel; Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology: Poland; Sorbonne Université, Station Biologique de Roscoff: France; University of the Basque country, Plentzia Marine Station: Spain; Marine Biological Association of the UK: United Kingdom; University of Vigo, Ecology and Animal Biology Department, Station of marine Science of Toralla: Spain; University of Helsinki, Tvärminne Zoological Station: Finland; University of Gdansk, Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology, Institute of Oceanography: Poland; National Institute of Biology, Marine Biological Station Piran: Slovenia; Nord University, Faculty of Bioscience and Aquaculture: Norway; European Marine Biological Research Centre: France; University of Vigo, Ecology and Animal Biology Department, Faculty of Marine Sciences: Spain; University of Aarhus, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Ecoscience: Denmark; (2020): ARMS-MBON data on long-term monitoring of hard-bottom communities: COI results from 2018-2020, more
- Obst, M.; Exter, K.M.; Pavloudi, C.; Pagnier, J.; Genin, A.; Balazy, P.; Broudin, C.; Cancio, I.; Chełchowski, M.; Chrismas, N.; Comtet, T.; Dailianis, T.; Daraghmeh, N.; Deneudt, K.; Diaz de Cerio, O.; González, J.; Kauppi, L.; Kristoffersen, J.B.; Kukliński, P.; Lasota, R.; Lévêque, L.; Liraz, L.; Loisel, S.; Małachowicz, M.; Mavric, B.; Mortelmans, J.; Paredes Rosendo, E.; Poćwierz-Kotus, A.; Reiss, H.; Santi, I.; Solbakken, J.; Souza Troncoso, J.; Staehr, P.; Tajadura, J.; Thyrring, J.; Viard, F.; Zafeiropoulos, H.; Zbawicka, M.; University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Marine Sciences: Sweden; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture: Greece; The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences Of Eilat: Israel; Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology: Poland; Sorbonne Université, Station Biologique de Roscoff: France; University of the Basque country, Plentzia Marine Station: Spain; Marine Biological Association of the UK: United Kingdom; University of Vigo, Ecology and Animal Biology Department, Station of marine Science of Toralla: Spain; University of Helsinki, Tvärminne Zoological Station: Finland; University of Gdansk, Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology, Institute of Oceanography: Poland; National Institute of Biology, Marine Biological Station Piran: Slovenia; Nord University, Faculty of Bioscience and Aquaculture: Norway; European Marine Biological Research Centre: France; University of Vigo, Ecology and Animal Biology Department, Faculty of Marine Sciences: Spain; University of Aarhus, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Ecoscience: Denmark; (2020): ARMS-MBON data on long-term monitoring of hard-bottom communities: 18S results from 2018-2020, more
- Obst, M.; Exter, K.M.; Pavloudi, C.; Pagnier, J.; Genin, A.; Balazy, P.; Broudin, C.; Cancio, I.; Chełchowski, M.; Chrismas, N.; Comtet, T.; Dailianis, T.; Daraghmeh, N.; Deneudt, K.; Diaz de Cerio, O.; González, J.; Kauppi, L.; Kristoffersen, J.B.; Kukliński, P.; Lasota, R.; Lévêque, L.; Liraz, L.; Loisel, S.; Małachowicz, M.; Mavric, B.; Mortelmans, J.; Paredes Rosendo, E.; Poćwierz-Kotus, A.; Reiss, H.; Santi, I.; Solbakken, J.; Souza Troncoso, J.; Staehr, P.; Tajadura, J.; Thyrring, J.; Viard, F.; Zafeiropoulos, H.; Zbawicka, M.; University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Marine Sciences: Sweden; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture: Greece; The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences Of Eilat: Israel; Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology: Poland; Sorbonne Université, Station Biologique de Roscoff: France; University of the Basque country, Plentzia Marine Station: Spain; Marine Biological Association of the UK: United Kingdom; University of Vigo, Ecology and Animal Biology Department, Station of marine Science of Toralla: Spain; University of Helsinki, Tvärminne Zoological Station: Finland; University of Gdansk, Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology, Institute of Oceanography: Poland; National Institute of Biology, Marine Biological Station Piran: Slovenia; Nord University, Faculty of Bioscience and Aquaculture: Norway; European Marine Biological Research Centre: France; University of Vigo, Ecology and Animal Biology Department, Faculty of Marine Sciences: Spain; University of Aarhus, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Ecoscience: Denmark; (2020): ARMS-MBON data on long-term monitoring of hard-bottom communities: ITS results from 2018-2020, more
Publications (15) | Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets | A1 Publications (11) [show] | - Araújo, R.M.; Assis, J.; Aguillar, R.; Airoldi, L.; Bárbara, I.; Bartsch, I.; Bekkby, T.; Christie, H.; Davoult, D.; Derrien-Courtel, S.; Fernández, C.; Fredriksen, S.; Gevaert, F.; Gundersen, H.; Le Gal, A.; Lévêque, L.; Mieszkowska, N.; Norderhaug, K.M.; Oliveira, P.; Puente, A.; Rico, J.M.; Rinde, E.; Schubert, H.; Strain, E.M.; Valero, M.; Viard, F.; Sousa-Pinto, I. (2016). Status, trends and drivers of kelp forests in Europe: an expert assessment. Biodivers. Conserv. 25(7): 1319-1348., more
- Philippart, C.J.M.; Amaral, A.; Asmus, R.; van Bleijswijk, J.; Bremner, J.; Buchholz, F.; Cabanellas-Reboredo, M.; Catarino, D.; Cattrijsse, A.; Charles, F.; Comtet, T.; Cunha, A.; Deudero, S.; Duchêne, J.-C.; Fraschetti, S.; Gentil, F.; Gittenberger, A.; Guizien, K.; Gonçalves, J.M.; Guarnieri, G.; Hendriks, I.; Hussel, B.; Pinheiro Vieira, R.; Reijnen, B.T.; Sampaio, I.; Serrão, E.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Thiebaut, E.; Viard, F.; Zuur, A.F. (2012). Spatial synchronies in the seasonal occurrence of larvae of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis/galloprovincialis) in European coastal waters. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 108: 52-63., more
- Jolly, M.T.; Guyard, P.; Ellien, C.; Gentil, F.; Viard, F.; Thiebaut, E.; Jollivet, D. (2009). Population genetics and hydrodynamic modeling of larval dispersal dissociate contemporary patterns of connectivity from historical expansion into European shelf seas in the polychaete Pectinaria koreni. Limnol. Oceanogr. 54(6): 2089-2106., more
- Dupont, L.; Bernas, D.; Viard, F. (2007). Sex and genetic structure across age groups in populations of the European marine invasive mollusc, Crepidula fornicata L. (Gastropoda). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 90(2): 365-374., more
- Viard, F.; Ellien, C.; Dupont, L. (2006). Dispersal ability and invasion success of Crepidula fornicata in a single gulf: insights from genetic markers and larval-dispersal model. Helgol. Mar. Res. 60(2): 144-152, more
- Voisin, M.; Engel, C.R.; Viard, F. (2005). Differential shuffling of native genetic diversity across introduced regions in a brown alga: Aquaculture vs. maritime traffic effects. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102(15): 5432-5437., more
- Martel, C.; Viard, F.; Bourguet, D.; Garcia-Meunier, P. (2004). Invasion by the marine gastropod Ocinebrellus inornatus in France: I. Scenario for the source of introduction. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 305(2): 155-170., more
- Martel, C.; Viard, F.; Bourguet, D.; Garcia-Meunier, P. (2004). Invasion by the marine gastropod Ocinebrellus inornatus in France. II. Expansion along the Atlantic coast. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 273: 163-172., more
- Bierne, N.; Borsa, P.; Dauguin, C.; Jollivet, D.; Viard, F. (2003). Introgression patterns in the mosaic hybrid zone between Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis. Mol. Ecol. 12(2): 447-461., more
- Dupont, L.; Jollivet, D.; Viard, F. (2003). High genetic diversity and ephemeral drift effects in a successful introduced mollusc (Crepidula fornicata: Gastropoda). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 253: 183-195., more
- Jolly, M.T.; Viard, F.; Weinmayr, G.; Gentil, F.; Thiébaut, E.; Jollivet, D. (2003). Does the genetic structure of Pectinaria koreni (Polychaeta: Pectinariidae) conform to a source - sink metapopulation model at the scale of the Baie de Seine? Helgol. Mar. Res. 56: 238-246., more
| Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] | - Clark, M.S.; Tanguy, A.; Jollivet, D.; Bonhomme, F.; Guinand, B.; Viard, F. (2010). Populations and pathways: Genomic approaches to understanding population structure and environmental adaptation, in: Cock, J.M. et al. (Ed.) Introduction to marine genomics. Advances in Marine Genomics, 1: pp. 73-118, more
- Cock, J.M.; Tessmar-Raible, K.; Boyen, C.; Viard, F. (Ed.) (2010). Introduction to marine genomics. Advances in Marine Genomics, 1. Springer: Dordrecht. ISBN 978-90-481-8616-7. xiv, 399 pp., more
| Book chapters (2) [show] | - Viard, F. (2003). Introduction to topic three “ Effects of human activities in altering genetic characteristics and gene flow in the marine environment” (1), in: Hiscock, K. et al. (Ed.) Electronic conference on ‘Genetic biodiversity in marine ecosystems: measurement, understanding and management’: summary of discussions, 6 to 17 October, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 5: pp. 26-30, more
- Viard, F.; Abbiati, M. (2003). Summary of discussions on topic 3 : Effects of human activities in altering genetic characteristics and gene flow in the marine environment, in: Hiscock, K. et al. (Ed.) Electronic conference on ‘Genetic biodiversity in marine ecosystems: measurement, understanding and management’: summary of discussions, 6 to 17 October, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 5: pp. 49-50, more