Biodiversity and ecological importance of algae and fungi in marine and terrestrial ecosystems of Papua New Guinea |
Original title: Biodiversité et importance écologique des algues et des champignons dans les écosystèmes marins et terrestres de la Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée Period: January 1996 Status: Other
Thesaurus terms Blue-green algae; Coral reefs; Lichens; Lichens; Mangroves; Tropical forests; Tropical forests
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Institute | Top | - Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département des Sciences de la vie; Laboratoire d'Algologie, de Mycologie et de Systématique Expérimentale, more, co-ordinator
Abstract | The project which follows researches lead since 1979, is centred on biodiversity of blue-green algae, lichens and lignovorous fungi, especially in coastal ecosystems and dense rain forests. A major goal is to define the role of algae in coastal primary production (bases : stations of Laing and Nagada). |