Funder identifier: FP7-2008-5-223806 (Other contract id) Acronym: PESI Period: May 2008 till April 2011 Status: Completed
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Institutes (54) | Top | - Universiteit van Amsterdam; Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica; Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam (UVA-ZMA), more, partner
- University of Copenhagen; Zoological Museum (ZMUC), more, partner
- Trakya University (TU), more, partner
- Natural History Museum (NHM), more, partner
- Free University of Berlin; Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (FUB-BGBM), more, partner
- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, partner
- Ecological Consultancy Services Ltd (EcoServe), more, partner
- National Natural History Museum Paris (MNHN), more, partner
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Kew), more, partner
- International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), more, partner
- Cab International (CABI), more, partner
- National University of Ireland Galway; Ryan Institute (NUIG-RI), more, partner
- University of Helsinki; Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS), more, partner
- University of Palermo (UNIPA), more, partner
- University of Sevilla (US), more, partner
- Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Botany (IBSAS), more, partner
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), more, partner
- Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC), more, partner
- Nature Research Centre; Institute of Ecology (EKOI), more, partner
- Comitato Scientifico per la Fauna d'Italia (CSFI), more, partner
- Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), more, partner
- Comenius University in Bratislava (CUB), more, partner
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), more, partner
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; State Museum of Natural History (SMNH), more, partner
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Museum and Institute of Zoology (PAS-MIZPAN), more, partner
- Swiss Systematics Society (SSS), more, partner
- Ilia State University (ISU), more, partner
- Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), more, partner
- National Institute of Biology (NIB), more, partner
- National Museum of Natural History (NMNHS), more, partner
- Asociatia Mynature (MYNA), more, partner
- University of Latvia (LU), more, partner
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), more, partner
- Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Ltd. (IOLR), more, partner
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology (IOPAN), more, partner
- Russian Academy of Sciences; Zoological Institute of RAS (ZIN), more, partner
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), more, partner
- Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA), more, partner
- Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL), more, partner
- Senckenberg Nature Research Society; Research Institute and Natural History Museum, more, non-contracted partner
- University of Tartu (UTEE), more, non-contracted partner
- Upper Austrian Provincial Museum (OOE.BZ), more, non-contracted partner
- Hungarian Natural History Museum; Department of Zoology, more, non-contracted partner
- University of Madeira; Department of Biology, more, non-contracted partner
- Musée national d'histoire naturelle, Luxembourg, more, non-contracted partner
- Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA), more, non-contracted partner
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology (IO-Bas), more, non-contracted partner
- Belgian Science Policy; Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPF), more, non-contracted partner
- University of Shkodra; Faculty of Natural Sciences, more, non-contracted partner
- National Academy of Sciences of Armenia; Division of Natural Sciences; Institute of Zoology, more, non-contracted partner
- Macedonian Museum of Natural History, more, non-contracted partner
- Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, more, non-contracted partner
- University of the Azores; Azorean Biodiversity Group (GBA), more, non-contracted partner
- University of Novi Sad; Faculty of Sciences; Department for Biology and Ecology; Centre for the Balkan Biodiversity Conservation (CBBC), more, non-contracted partner
Abstract | Summary: The urgency of global problems related to conservation and sustainable use of biological resources is generally acknowledged. Obstacles to the proper development and implementation of environmental management systems include poor access to reliable biodiversity information. Part of this problem lays in the lack of standardisation in taxonomic reference systems. Other parts of the problem concern the quality and completeness of taxonomic data sets, and the absence of an integrated access to taxonomic information. PESI will contribute to the solution of this impediment by improving the European e-infrastructure through the strengthening of the respective scientific, social, political, technological, and information capacities in Europe, needed for a proper biodiversity assessment.
Objectives: Because the correct use of names and names relationships is essential for biodiversity management, the availability of taxonomically validated standardised nomenclatures are fundamental for biological e-infrastructures. PESI is the next step in integrating and securing taxonomically authoritative species name registers that underpin the management of biodiversity in Europe. PESI will integrate the three main all-taxon registers in Europe, namely the European Register of Marine Species, Fauna Europaea, and Euro+Med Plantbase in coordination with EU based nomenclators and the network of EU based Global Species Databases. It is a standards based, quality controlled, expert validated open-access infrastructure for research, education, and resource management.
Action plan: PESI defines and coordinates strategies to enhance the quality and reliability of European biodiversity information by integrating the infrastructural components of four major community networks on taxonomic indexing and their respective knowledge infrastructures, namely those of marine life, terrestrial plants, fungi and animals, into a joint work program. This will result in functional knowledge networks of taxonomic experts and regional focal points, which will collaborate on the establishment of standardised and authoritative taxonomic (meta-) data and the development of approaches on their long-term sustain. The organisation of national and regional focal point networks as projected not only assures the efficient access to local expertise, but is also important for the synergistic promotion of taxonomic standards throughout Europe, for instance to liaison with national governmental bodies on the implementation of European biodiversity legislations. In addition PESI will coordinate the integration and synchronisation of the European taxonomic information systems into a joint e-infrastructure following the running initiatives for creation of a Global Names Architecture for the efficient and unambiguous cross-referencing of taxon names, the progress on a joint Internet Platform for Cybertaxonomy with EDIT, and the set up of a common user-interface disseminating the pan-European checklists and associated user-services results. |