Goudbrasem, Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 op de Belgische kust gevangen
Eneman, E. (1990). Goudbrasem, Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 op de Belgische kust gevangen. De Strandvlo 10(3): 79-81 In: De Strandvlo: Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift van De Strandwerkgroep België. De Strandwerkgroep België: Ursel. ISSN 0773-3542, more | |
Abstract | On 3-VII-1990 the fish Sparus aurata LINNAEUS, 1758 was caught for the first time in Belgian coastal waters (locality: Westdiep, 2 nautical miles from Nieuwpoort). Most probably this southern species reached the Belgian coast via The Channel. Remarkably was the fact that in the same period many specimens of the Red mullet Mullus surmuletus were also seen. |