Aspects biochimiques de l'euryhalinité chez les Crustacés
Gilles, R. (1967). Aspects biochimiques de l'euryhalinité chez les Crustacés. Ann. Soc. R. Zool. Bel. 97(3): 31-34 In: Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique = Annalen van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Dierkunde. Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique: Bruxelles. ISSN 0771-5528, more | |
Abstract | In the course of a work on relationships existing between amino-acid metabolism and osmoregulatory phenomena, we have studied the activity of a series of enzymes directly implicated in the amino-acid synthesis or in their degradation, according to a salt concentration change in the medium. On the twelve enzymes tested, only serine hydrolyase (E.N.4.2. 1 . 1 3) and malate hydrolyase (E.N.4.2. 1.2.) activity change differently according to whether the two enzymes are extracted from euryhaline crustacean muscles (Carcinus maenas, Eriocheir sinensis, Astacus fluviatilis) or from stenohaline crustacean muscles (Homarus vulgaris, Maïa squinado). The results we have obtained are discussed in the scheme of the amino-acid metabolism and we may suggest that the difference between an euryhaline and a stenohaline crustacean consists of a control by intracellular liquid salt concentration of the activity of certain enzymatic systems playing a role in the amino-acid catabolism. |