Nitophyllum stellatocorticatum - Stippeltjeswier
In: Verleye, T.J. et al. (2024). Geïntroduceerde niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en aanpalende estuaria anno 2024. VLIZ Special Publication, 93. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISBN 9789464206319. 826 pp., more In: VLIZ Special Publication. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISSN 1377-0950, more | |
Project | Top | Author | - Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria, more
Author | | Top | - VLIZ Alien Species Consortium, more
| | |
Abstract | Nitophyllum stellatocorticatum is a red alga that originates from the northwest Pacific Ocean, near Japan and Korea. The species was likely introduced to Western Europe through the transport of shellfish for aquaculture purposes. Based on current observations, its presence seems to be limited to the Dutch Delta area (since 2006), the French Mediterranean coast (since 2003), and the Sluice Dock in Ostend, Belgium (since 2023). The species is found in stagnant water in the lower littoral and sublittoral zones, but little is known about its physicochemical tolerance. |