Ontwikkeling van vistuig met gereduceerde impact op het milieu |
Original title: Development of fishing Gears with Reduced Effects on the Environment Acronym: DEGREE Period: February 2006 till February 2009 Status: Completed
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Institutes (13) | Top | - Wageningen University and Research Centre; Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES), more, partner
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science; Lowesoft Laboratory, more, partner
- Marine Laboratory Aberdeen; Fisheries Research Services, more, partner
- Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), more, partner
- Fiskeridirektoratet/Havforskningsinstituttet (Directorate of Fisheries/Institute of Marine Research) (IMR), more, partner
- Irish Sea Fisheries Board (BIM), more, partner
- Technical University of Denmark; Danish Institute for Fisheries Research (DIFRES), more, partner
- University of Aberdeen, more, partner
- University of Portsmouth; Centre for the Economics & Management of Aquatic Resources (CEMARE), more, partner
- Italian National Research Council; Institute of Marine Sciences; Section of Ancona; Fishery Biology Unit, more, partner
- University of Liverpool, more, partner
- Marine Institute Ireland (MI), more, partner
- Centrum voor Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (CLO), more, partner
Abstract | Thirteen participants work together to develop new gears/fishing techniques that have a lower impact on benthic habitats, to quantify the potential reduction of the physical impact as well as the effects on benthic communities, to weigh the socio-economic consequences of these changes against those of alternative management measures, e.g. closing of areas.
They do so by focusing on the development of modified towed gears. A generic approach is chosen in which cases (e.g. North Sea, Mediterranean) can be worked out. The overall ecological impact to benthic systems will be assessed by developing physical/biological models verified by tests at sea. This will provide a tool to fisheries managers to identify gear and sediment type combinations which will minimize impact to the habitat.
A group of experts will work to appraise the socio-economic consequences of the new gears and techniques. Gear types under study involve: otter trawls, beam trawls and dredges. The project consists of six work packages, as follows:
WP1: Management and co-ordiation WP2: Modelling and quantification of benthic impact WP3: Otter trawl modifications WP4: Beam trawl and Dredge modifications WP5: Economics WP6: Dissemination and implementation
The duration of the project is 38 monts from 01/02/2006. Special emphasis will be given to consultation with and dissemination of the results of the work to the fishing industry through national Industrial Liason Groups and an adequate implementation of alternative fishing gears and techniques.
The main objectives of the project are:
- To develop new gears/fishing techniques that have a lower impact on benthic habitats
- To quantify the potential reduction of the physical impact as well as the negative effects on benthic communities
- To weigh the socio-economic consequences of these changes