Acronym: EMoSEM Period: 2013 till 2014 Status: Completed
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Institutes (8) | Top | - Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Natuurlijk Milieu; Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Noordzee en Schelde-estuarium (BMM), more, partner
- Université Libre de Bruxelles; École Interfacultaire de Bioingénieurs; Laboratoire d'Écologie des Systèmes Aquatiques (ESA), more, partner
- Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer; Département Dynamiques de l'Environnement Côtier (DYNECO), more, partner
- Institute of Marine Research (IMAR), more, partner
- Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO), more, sponsor
- French National Research Agency (ANR), more, sponsor
- Deltares, more
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), more
Abstract | Concretely the objectives are:
Suggest innovative ecological indicators to account for HABs in the GES definition. Estimate the needs to reach GES in all marine areas (distance-to-target requirement, DTTR). Identify “realistic” scenarios of nutrient reduction in the river watersheds of NEA. Assess the impact of the “realistic” scenarios in the sea, and compare to DTTR.