An experimental ecological investigation of the restoration potential of the aquatic ecosystem of 'de Blankaart' by hydrological isolation and foodweb manipulation |
Dutch title: Experimenteel ecologisch onderzoek naar de herstelkansen van het aquatisch ecosysteem van de Blankaart door hydrologische isolatie en voedselwebmanipulatie Funder identifier: 3E990004 (Other contract id) Period: January 1999 till December 2000 Status: Completed
Thesaurus terms Biomanipulation; Fishes; Food webs; Monitoring; Plankton; Restoration; Site investigation Geographical term: Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Blankaart L. [Marine Regions]
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Institute | Top | - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Aquatische Ecologie en Evolutiebiologie, more, co-ordinator
Abstract | We conduct aquatic ecological research on the potential for rehabilitation of Lake Blankaart as well as on the response of two smaller ponds in the Blankaart nature reserve to earlier biomanipulation measures intended to restore water quality. Research involves monitoring (water quality, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish community and macrophytic vegetation development) and a field experiment, which involves separating a part of Lake Blankaart (the Keel) through fine-meshed nets and subject this sector to biomanipulation measures. The biomanipulation measures involve the removal of a large part of the plantivorous and benthivorous fish, as well as stocking with piscivorous pike. The sector and the remaining (not manipulated) part of Lake Blankaart will subsequently be compared in a monitoring programme in an effort to establish the response of the lake to rehabilitation measures. |