Actes de la 4ème Conférence internationale des Polychètes, Angers, France
Dauvin, J.-C.; Laubier, L.; Reish, D.J. (Ed.) (1994). Actes de la 4ème Conférence internationale des Polychètes, Angers, France. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie, 162. Éditions du Muséum: Paris. ISBN 2-85653-214-4. 642 pp. Part of: Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie. Editions du Muséum: Paris. ISSN 0078-9747, more Contains:Abbiati, M.; Airoldi, L.; Castelli, A.; Cinelli, F.; Southward, A.J. (1994). Preliminary observations on a dense population of Phyllochaetopterus socialis Claparède at the sulphurous water boundary in a Mediterranean submarine cave. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 323-329, more Åkesson, B. (1994). Evolution of viviparity in the genus Ophrytrocha (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 29-35, more Amaral, A.C.Z.; Nonato, E.F.; Petti, M.A.V. (1994). Contribution of the polychaetous annelids to the diet of some Brazilian fishes. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 331-337, more Amor, A. (1994). Ecology of Pherusa sp. (Polychaeta, Flabelligeridae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 339-346, more Arvanitidis, C.; Koukouras, A. (1994). Polychaete fauna associated with the coral Cladocora caespitosa (L.) in the eastern Mediterranean. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 347-353, more Bachelet, G.; Laubier, L. (1994). Morphology, ecology and juvenile development of Cossura pygodactylata Jones (Polychaeta, Cossuridae) in Arcachon Bay, SW France, with a reassessment of the geographical distribution of C. pygodactyla and P. soyeri Laubier. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 355-369, more Ben-Eliahu, N.; Fiege, D. (1994). Polychaetes of the family Acoetidae (= Polyodontidae) from the Levant and the Central Mediterranean with a description of a new species of Eupanthalis. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 145-161, more Bentley, M.G.; Boyle, J.; Pacey, A. (1994). Environmental influences on endocrine systems controlling reproduction in polychaetes. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 37-44, more Bhaud, M.R.; Cha, J.H. (1994). Larvae-substrate relationships of Eupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu, 1818) (Polychaeta, Terebellidae): an experimental analysis. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 371-381, more Britayev, T.A.; Castelli, A.; Aksiuk, T.S. (1994). Prionospio caspersi Laubier (Polychaeta, Spionidae) in the Black Sea: long-term monitoring of a population. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 163-168, more Dauer, D.M. (1994). Functional ciliary groups of the feeding palps of spionid polychaetes. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 81-84, more Dauvin, J.-C.; Bellan, G. (1994). Systematics, ecology and biogeographical relationships in the sub-family Travisiinae (Polychaeta, Opheliidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 169-184, more Dauvin, J.-C.; Thiébaut, E. (1994). Is Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje a cosmopolitan species? Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 383-404, more Dixon, D.R.; Dixon, L.R.J.; Tunnicliffe, V. (1994). Attributes of ribosomal DNA in alvinellid polychaetes from hydrothermal vents. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 85-92, more Dorresteijn, A.W.C.; Luetjens, C.M. (1994). Morphometric analysis of cellular specification in Platynereis and Pomatoceros embryogenesis (Annelida, Polychaeta). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 45-50, more Duchêne, J.C.; Nozais, C. (1994). Light influence on larval emission and vertical swimming in the terebellid worm Eupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu, 1818). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 405-412, more Eibye-Jacobsen, D. (1994). On the nature of the two anterior asetigerous rings in Dorvilleidae and Dinophilidae (Annelida, Polychaeta). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 93-100, more Fiege, D.; Ben-Eliahu, N. (1994). Polychaeta of the German Bight from the 1987 cruise of the R/V Senckenberg. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 413-423, more Fournier, J.A.; Conlan, K.E. (1994). A new species of Ophryotrocha (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae) associated with ice scours in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 185-190, more Gambi, M.C.; Castelli, A.; Giangrande, A.; Lanera, P.; Prevedelli, D.; Zunarelli Vandini, R. (1994). Polychaetes of commercial and applied interest in Italy: an overview. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 593-601, more Giangrande, A.; Petraroli, A. (1994). Observations on reproduction and growth of Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 51-56, more Green, K.D. (1994). The head of Maldanidae polychaetes of the subfamily Maldaninae. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 101-109, more Gruet, Y.; Bodeur, Y. (1994). Sélection des grains de sable selon leur nature et leur forme par Sabellaria alveolata Linné (Polychète, Sabellariidé) lors de la reconstruction expérimentale de son tube. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 425-432, more Gruet, Y.; Marchand, J.; Baudet, J. (1994). Les vers polychètes et l'estuaire de la Loire au début du 20ème siècle par G. Ferronière (1875-1922). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 433-439, more Harris, T. (1994). The functional significance of blood plexuses in the ecology of Ophelia bicornis Savigny. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 57-63, more Hofmann, D.K. (1994). Feed-back regulation in Platynereis dumerilii Audoin & Milne-Edwards, 1833: a status review. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 67-72, more Hutchings, P.A.; Jacoby, C.A. (1994). Temporal and spatial patterns in the distribution of infaunal polychaetes in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 441-452, more Juniper, S.K. (1994). Ecology and biogeochemistry of Paralvinella sulfincola at northeast Pacific hydrothermal vents: review and comparison with Alvinella spp. of the east Pacific Rise. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 453-462, more Kendall, M.A. (1994). Polychaete assemblages along a depth gradient in a Spitsbergen fjord. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 463-470, more Kirkegaard, J.B. (1994). The biogeography of some abyssal polychaetes. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 471-477, more Knight-Jones, P. (1994). Two new species of Branchiomma (Sabellidae) with redescriptions of closely related species and comments on Pseudobranchiomma and Sabellastarte. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 191-198, more Kudenov, J.D. (1994). Redescription of Hipponoa gaudichaudi Audoin & Milne-Edwards, 1830 (Polychaeta, Amphinomidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 199-207, more Lana, P.C.; Bremec, C.S. (1994). Sabellariidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from South America. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 211-222, more Lardicci, C.; Baldi, R. (1994). Preliminary results on recolonization in a small brackish basin on the island of Elba (western Mediterranean). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 479-483, more Licher, F.; Westheide, W. (1994). The phylogenetic position of the Pilargidae with a cladistic analysis of the taxon - facts and ideas. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 223-235, more Lovell, L.L. (1994). Pseudatherospio fauchaldi, a new genus and species of Spionidae (Polychaeta, Annelida) from southern California, USA. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 237-241, more Mackie, A.S.Y. (1994). Adercodon pleijeli gen. and sp. nov. (Polychaeta, Ampharetidae) from the Mediterranean Sea. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 243-250, more Méndez, M.N.; Cardell, M.J. (1994). Effects of sample fixation on body shape of Capitella capitata (Polychaeta, Capitellidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 111-117, more Morgado, E.H.; Amaral, A.C.Z.; Nonato, E.F.; Salvador, L.B. (1994). Intertidal sandy beaches polychaetes of São Sebastião Island, southern Brazil. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 485-492, more Noji, C.I.-M. (1994). Influence of the tube-building spionid polychaete Polydora ciliata on benthic parameters, associated fauna and transport processes. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 493-502, more Olive, P.J.W. (1994). Polychaeta as a world resource: a review of patterns of exploitation as sea angling baits and the potential for aquaculture based production. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 603-610, more Oug, E. (1994). The genus Ophryotrocha sensu lato (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae) in the Tromsø area, northern Norway. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 251-257, more Papadopoulou, K.N.; Dounas, C.; Smith, C.J. (1994). Distributional patterns and taxonomic notes on Lumbrineridae from Crete (S. Aegean, eastern Mediterranean). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 259-268, more Paterson, G.L.J.; Gage, J.D.; Lamont, P.; Bett, B.J.; Thurston, M.H. (1994). Patterns of abundance and diversity from the abyss-polychaetes from northeastern Atlantic abyssal plains. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 503-509, more Pocklington, P.; Scott, D.B.; Schafer, C.T. (1994). Polychaete response to different aquaculture activities. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 511-520, more Prevedelli, D. (1994). Influence of temperature and diet on the larval development and growth of juveniles Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu) (Polychaeta, Eunicidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 521-526, more Purschke, G.; Jouin-Toulmond, C. (1994). Ultrastructure of sense organs and the central nervous system in Parenterodrilus taenioides and their phylogenetic significance in the taxon Protodrilida (Annelida, Polychaeta). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 119-128, more Salen-Picard, C.; Graham, C.; Gérino, M. (1994). Éthologie alimentaire d'annélides polychaètes endogées: détermination du niveau sédimentaire où s'effectue la collecte de la nourriture. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 527-533, more San Martin, G. (1994). Autolytinae (Polychaeta, Syllidae) from Cuba and North American Atlantic Ocean. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 269-277, more Sanfilippo, R. (1994). Polychaete distribution patterns on Chlamys patagonica of the Magellan Strait. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 535-540, more Santos, M.A.; Santos, C.S.G.; Oliveira, C.M.M. (1994). Polychaeta in the estuary of the Piauí River, Sergipe, Brazil. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 541-547, more Sato-Okoshi, W. (1994). Life history of the polychaete Polydora variegata that bores into the shells of scallops in northern Japan. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 549-558, more Sikorski, A.V. (1994). New Arctic species of Scolelepis (Polychaeta, Spionidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 279-286, more Smith, R.I. (1994). A systematic problem of inter-and intra-generic variation in nephromixia of Terebellidae. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 287-289, more Soldi, R.; Ramella, L.; Gambi, M.C.; Sordino, P.; Sella, G. (1994). Genome size in polychaetes: relationship with body length and life habit. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 129-135, more Solis-Weiss, V.; Rodriguez-Villanueva, L.V.; Granados-Barba, A.; Ochoa-Rivera, V.; Miranda-Vazquez, L.; Hernandez-Alcantara, P. (1994). Annelid polychaete populations of the order Eunicida from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 559-566, more Somaschini, A.; Gravina, M.F. (1994). Ecological analysis of some Syllidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the central Tyrrhenian Sea (Ponza Island). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 567-573, more Thomas, N.S.; Thorp, C.H. (1994). Cyclical changes in the fauna associated with tube aggregates of Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 575-584, more Thorp, C.H. (1994). Population variation in Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) in a brackish water millpond at Emsworth, West Sussex, U.K. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 585-591, more Tzetlin, A.B. (1994). Fine morphology of the feeding apparatus of Cossura sp. (Polychaeta, Cossuridae) from the White Sea. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 137-143, more Vogt, K.D.; Kudenov, J.D. (1994). Morphometric variation in bifurcate notosetae of two Euphrosine species (Polychaeta, Euphrosinidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 291-298, more Vovelle, J.; Petersen, M.E.; Grasset, M.; Beaunier, P. (1994). Bioaccumulation du fer dans le corps cardiaque de Raricirrus beryli Petersen & George (Polychaeta, Ctenodrilidae). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 73-80, more Warren, L.M.; Parker, M. (1994). Pseudonotomastus southerni gen. nov. sp. nov. a new capitellid from the Celtic Sea. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 299-306, more Woodham, A.; Chambers, S.J. (1994). A new species of Chaetozone (Polychaeta, Cirratulidae) from Europe, with a re-description of Caulleriella zetlandica (MacIntosh). Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 307-316, more Wu, B.; Hua, L. (1994). Phylogeny of Alciopidae (pelagic polychaetes): a cladistic analysis. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 317-321, more | |