Institute | Top | Institute | Publications | Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering NV; GeoSea nv, moreFunction: Project Engineer Institutional address:Haven 1025 - Scheldedijk 30 2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium Tel.: +32-(0)3-250 52 11 E-mail: 
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Previous institute | Top | Institute | Publications | Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur; Vakgroep Civiele Techniek; Afdeling Weg- en Waterbouw (AWW), more |
Publications (3) | Top | Institute | Publications | Thesis [show] | - Loosveldt, N.; Vannieuwenhuyse, K. (2012). Experimental validation of empirical design of a scour protection around monopiles under combined wave and current loading. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. xvi, 170 pp., more
| Abstracts (2) [show] | Loosveldt, N.; Vannieuwenhuyse, K. (2013). Experimentele validatie van empirisch ontwerp van een erosiebescherming rond monopile funderingen belast door een combinatie van golven en stroming, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 15 February 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 63: pp. 2, more Baelus, L.; Troch, P.; Loosveldt, N.; Vannieuwenhuyse, K.; De Vos, L.; Bolle, A. (2012). Extended validation of dynamic design formula for scour protection around monopiles, in: Troch, P. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts of the 4th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection - Coastlab12. Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 17-20, 2012. pp. 45-46, more