Dutch title: Belangrijke biologische processen in Europese getijde-estuaria Funder identifier: MAST0024 (Other contract id) Acronym: JEEP Period: November 1990 till September 1993 Status: Completed
Thesaurus terms Ecosystems; Estuaries; Hydrodynamics Geographical terms: ANE, France, Gironde Estuary [Marine Regions]; ANE, Netherlands, Westerschelde [Marine Regions]; Belgium, Zeeschelde [Marine Regions]
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Institutes (3) | Top | Datasets | - Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie (MARBIOL), more
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Ecologie en Systematiek (ECOL), more
- Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; NIOZ Yerseke, more
Abstract | The objectives of this project are to study the biological processes that influence the fate of organic matter in estuaries by: a) comparison of the ecological structure of major European tidal estuaries. MAST funding will be used for co ordinating simultaneous field surveys in different estuaries; b) specific co-ordinated studies on the rates of major processes on short and medium time scales in the field in Schelde and Gironde and in laboratory experiments; c) building mathematical ecosystem models describing the major biological processes in the estuaries studied, which are based on appropriate hydrodynamical models, and incorporate the field data and results from process studies specified in (a) and (b). |
Datasets (6) | Top | Institutes | - Beyst, B.; Fockedey, N.; Hostens, K.; Mees, J.; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent: Belgium; (2004): Ecological hyperbenthic data of the Scheldt estuary: historical data (1988-2001). Marine Data Archive., more
- Fockedey, N.; Mees, J.; Marine Biology Section - Ugent; (2003): Mysid shrimp populations in the Scheldt estuary., more
- Van Rijswijk P., Soetaert K. 1991: Soetaert and van Rijswijk: Zooplankton data Westerschelde, 1989-1991. Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at http://mda.nioo.knaw.nl/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=1752, more
- Demersal fish and hyperbenthic communities of the Voordelta and Western Scheldt, Belgium (EDMED), more
- IMERS: Integrated Marine Environmental Samples and Readings, more
- Meiobenthos of the Southern Bight of the North Sea, Western Scheldt and also Greenland, Antarctica and the Kenyan mangroves, more