Person record of Frans Ollevier


Honorific prefix
Prof. Dr


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Aquatische Ecologie en Evolutiebiologie
Faculty member


An epidemiological inquiry of noda virus in sea bass
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 1996
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. I
during period
Start date: 1992
End date: 1997
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. II
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1997
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. III
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 1996
Biomanipulation of fishing waters
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 2001
Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems
during period
Start date: 1999
End date: 2002
Development of DNA probes to determine the genetic sex in aquacultured fish species
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1996
Ecologische studie van de grondels (Teleostei : Gobioidea) in een oostafrikaans mangrovesysteem (Gazi Bay, Kenya)
Ecology of fish populations at the Zeeschelde
during period
Start date: 1995
End date: 1998
Epidemiology of infectious diseases in cultured Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, with emphasis on white spot disease
during period
Start date: 2004
End date: 2006
Fish community structure in the brackish and freshwater area of estuaries which are disturbed by anthropogenic effects
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1997
Fish sperm viability as an indicator of environmental pollution
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 2000
Functional role and characteristics of micro-organisms in the larvi culture of aquatic organisms: Artemia as preferred test organism
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2007
Habitat quality of flounder (Platichthys flesus) in the Scheldt estuary: a field and modelling study
during period
Start date: 2000
End date: 2006
Host-parasite interactions between sympatric Pomatoschistus species (Gobiidae, Pisces) and their helminth parasites: ecological and phylogenetic aspects
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1998
Hygiene management and disease prevention by the adjustment and control of the microbiological environment
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1997
Hygiene management and disease prevention in marine fish larviculture by the adjustement and control of the microbiological environment
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1997
Individual-based modelling of life history traits and recruitment mechan isms of pelagic fish populations
during period
Start date: 2004
End date: 2005
Influence of pollution on the sperm quality and reproduction capacity of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha pallas).
during period
Start date: 1998
End date: 2000
Larviculture of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): zootechnical, pathological and microbiological aspects
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 2001
Modelling migrations of marine juvenile fish between coastal zones and estuaries
during period
Start date: 2001
End date: 2004
Monitoring the fish fauna of the Zeeschelde and adjacent overflow areas
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 1998
Monitoring the fish fauna of the Zeeschelde-estuary
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2006
Multidisciplinaire studie van de biologie van Afrikaanse katvissen
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1997
Ontwikkeling van een gedocumenteerde gegevensbank over uitheemse vissoorten in Vlaanderen met bijkomend onderzoek naar de blauwbandgrondel
during period
Start date: 2000
End date: 2001
Opvolging van het visbestand van de Zeeschelde en de Antwerpse dokken
during period
Start date: 2001
End date: 2001
Opvolging visbestand Zeeschelde 1998-1999
during period
Start date: 1998
End date: 1999
Oral spawning induction in fish - non invasive control of repro- duction in fish by dietary delivery of the bioactive peptide GNRH
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 1999
Population genetic structure of the parasitic fauna of the gobies of the Belgian continental shelf
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 1998
Production of modern educational tools for training in aquaculture and hydrobiology in Vietnam and the other countries of South East Asia
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 1996
Reproductive fitness and population consequences of endocrine disruption in fish
during period
Start date: 2003
End date: 2005
Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan
during period
Start date: 1995
End date: 1998
Structural and functional biodiversity of North Sea ecosystems: species and their habitats as indicator for the sustainable management of the BCS
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 2001
Study on fish migration
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 1997
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. I
during period
Start date: 1992
End date: 1995
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. II
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1995
The establishment of small farmers in aquaculture as a part of the National Reconstruction and Development-aid programme in South-Africa.
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 2000
The evolution of ecological specialization across the freshwater habitat gradient: a multidisciplinary approach
during period
Start date: 2000
End date: 2006
The impact of estuaries upon the goby Pomatoschistus minitus
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2002
The marine fish pathogen Pasteurella piscicida: identification serology and virulence
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 2001
The quantitative importance of the Scheldt estuary for marine fish populations: an analysis for the goby species Pomatoschistus minutus using geochemical markers
during period
Start date: 2003
End date: 2008
To prepare an educational publication about the existing scientific information concerning the 'IJzervallei' and the 'Blankaartbekken'
during period
Start date: 1998
End date: 1998

Special collections

VLIZ-KMFRI collaboration in marine sciences

record metadata

date created: 2001-02-22
date modified: 2002-01-22