Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- LifeWatch observatory data: fish acoustic receiver network
- Description in English
- In the framework of LifeWatch the permanent acoustic receiver network will be maintained as a research infrastructure that allows studies on migration patterns of several migratory fish species. For marine, coastal and estuarine systems, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758), will be the model species, while in Belgian rivers European eel (Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758)) is representative for catadromous downstream migration. In a later phase, other species, such as European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758)), twaite shad (Alosa fallax (Lacepède, 1803)), river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758)) and sea trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) can be investigated.
- Abstract in English
- As part of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory, a permanent acoustic receiver network for fish tracking is established in the Belgian Part of the North Sea and the Western Scheldt. Using acoustic telemetry distribution, movements and habitat use of tagged migratory fish can be tracked. Tags or transmitters are surgically implanted in the belly of individual fish. When swimming in the vicinity of an acoustic receiver (Vemco), the information of the unique ID-code of the transmitter is stored on the receiver together with an exact timing of the event. When signals are simultaneously received by multiple receivers, an exact positioning of the tagged individuals can be derived from the raw data. In total 40 transmitters are implanted and 51 acoustic receivers are installed on buoys and other platforms.
- License
- bibliographicCitation
- Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Mariene Biologie Ugent (MARBIOL), Instituut voor Natuur-en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Belgium (2015): LifeWatch observatory data: fish acoustic receiver network
Temporal coverage
- Temporal
- Start date
- 2014-01-01
- Accrual periodicity
- Other
Thesaurus terms
- Keyword
- Data
- Marine Genomics
- theme
- Biology > Fish
- Fisheries > Fish stocks/catches/taggings
Dataset references
- has part
- 2012_LEOPOLDKANAAL - Acoustic telemetry data for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in a polder area in Flanders (Belgium)
- 2013_ALBERTKANAAL - Acoustic telemetry data for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and hatched Salmon (Salmo salar) in the Albert canal (Belgium)
- 2014_DEMER - Acoustic telemetry data for four fish species in the Demer river (Belgium)
- 2015_DIJLE - Acoustic telemetry data for five fish species in the Dijle river (Belgium)
- 2015_HOMARUS - Acoustic telemetry data for European lobster (Homarus gammarus) in the southern North Sea (Belgium)
- 2015_PHD_VERHELST_COD - Acoustic telemetry data for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Scheldt estuary and southern North Sea (Belgium)
- 2015_PHD_VERHELST_EEL - Acoustic telemetry data for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Scheldt estuary and southern North Sea (Belgium)
- Acoustic receiver network in an important shipping canal, connecting the river Meuse with the Port of Antwerp (Scheldt river) to asses downstream migration of eel and salmon in an artificial environment with a hydropower station and shipping locks.
- Adult twaite shad spawning migration in the North Sea and the Scheldt estuary
- Atlantic cod acoustic telemetry dataset to assess impacts of anthropogenic underwater noise on the movement ecology
- Atlantic cod acoustic telemetry dataset used to assess impact of piling noise on cod movement behaviour
- European eel acoustic telemetry dataset to assess habitat use and migration of European eel in a polder area in Flanders
- Fundamental relations between spatiotemporal eel and salmon smolt behaviour and hydraulic conditions in anthropogenically impacted streams, the Albert canal (Flanders, Belgium)
- LifeWatch observatory - Permanent acoustic receiver network in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
- LifeWatch observatory - Permanent acoustic receiver network in the Scheldt; between Ghent and Antwerp
- LifeWatch observatory - Permanent acoustic receiver network in the Western Scheldt, Array 2: Between Borssele and Terneuzen
- LifeWatch observatory - Permanent acoustic receiver network in the Western Scheldt; Array 1: Between Breskens & Vlissingen
- LifeWatch observatory - Permanent acoustic receiver network in the Western Scheldt; Array 3: Between Perkpolder & Hansweert
- LifeWatch observatory - Temporarily acoustic receiver network for range testing, performed in the C-Power wind farm; Belgian part of the North Sea
- Migration of silver eel from the Dutch Noordzeekanaal and adjacent waters
- Partly temporarily acoustic receiver network and partly permanent acoustic receiver network to assess diadromous fish migration in the Scheldt river basin, Belgium.
- Temporarily acoustic receiver network in a polder area in Flanders
- Temporarily acoustic receiver network in a tidal salt marsh in the Western Scheldt Estuary
- Temporarily acoustic receiver network in the Belwind wind farm in the Belgian part of the North Sea
- Temporarily acoustic receiver network in the river Demer for assessing fish behaviour around the third of three fish migration barriers preventing (diadromous) fish (such as sea lamprey, among others) to reach the spawning habitats in the Demer basin.
- Temporarily acoustic receiver network in the Upper Scheldt river, for river lamprey tracking in the Scheldt river basin
- Temporarily acoustic receiver network to assess downstream migration of eel and salmons smolts, specifically to assess route choice and impact by the Albert canal, a large shipping canal connecting the river Meuse with the Port of Antwerp (Scheldt river)
- Twaite shad acoustic telemetry dataset in the Schelde-estuary and North Sea 2015
- Twaite shad acoustic telemetry dataset in the Schelde-estuary and North Sea 2016