Advanced modelling and research on eutrophication: linking eutrophication and biological resources
- during period
- Start date: 2002
- End date: 2006
AquaGen - Genetic Assignment of Farmed Cod and Sole for Traceability, Biosafety and Environmental Impact Assessment
Belgian Polar Research Cluster
- during period
- Start date: 2003
- End date: 2006
Characterisation, utilisation and maintenance of biological diversity for the diversification and sustainability of catfish culture in South-East Asia
- during period
- Start date: 1996
- End date: 1999
Chromosome and gene manipulation is the African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus.
- during period
- Start date: 1989
- End date: 1992
Cluster Sustainable management of the North Sea
- during period
- Start date: 2003
- End date: 2006
Combined genetic and functional genomic approaches for stress and disease resistance marker-assisted selection in fish and shellfish
- during period
- Start date: 2004
- End date: 2008
Connectivity and demographic stability of North Sea sole populations
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2011
Development and use of DNA probes to (a) select genetically improved sea bream and sea bass for aquaculture and (b) assist genetic research im African catfish
- during period
- Start date: 1992
- End date: 1995
Development of DNA probes to determine the genetic sex in aquacultured fish species
- during period
- Start date: 1994
- End date: 1996
Dispersal of Dover sole in a perspective of metapopulation structure
- during period
- Start date: 2003
- End date: 2004
Ecological genetics: patterns and processes of genetic variation in natural populations
- during period
- Start date: 1997
- End date: 2001
Ecology of the Mediterranean seabass: Life-cycle and migration patterns in coastal lagoons
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2007
Ecosystem Responses to global change: a multiscale approach in the Southern Ocean
- during period
- Start date: 2013
- End date: 2018
Estimation of the reproduction capacity of European eel
- during period
- Start date: 2001
- End date: 2005
Fisheries-induced Evolution
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2010
Gastheer-parasiet interacties tussen Gasterosteus aculeatus (Teleostei) en Gyrodactylus spp. (Monogenea, Platyhelmintes) in een micro-evolutionair perspectief
- during period
- Start date: 2001
- End date: 2006
Genetic Biodiversity
- during period
- Start date: 2005
- End date: 2008
Genomic adaptation in the marine goby Pomatoschistus minutus
- during period
- Start date: 2005
- End date: 2007
Genomic variation in European sea bass: from SNP discovery within ESTs to genome scan
- during period
- Start date: 2004
- End date: 2008
Genomics of nutrition to improve by selective breeding the use of alternative feed in marine farmed fish
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2007
Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea
- during period
- Start date: 2002
- End date: 2006
Impact assessment and remediation of anthropogenic interventions on fish populations
- during period
- Start date: 2003
- End date: 2006
Intraspecifieke genetische variabiliteit van de grondelsoorten Pomatoschistus minutus en P. Lozanoi van het Belgisch en Europees continentaal plat
- during period
- Start date: 1997
- End date: 2000
Mariene comparatieve en omgevingsgenomica: populatiedynamische en adaptieve genetische veranderingen in geƫxploiteerde visstocks
- during period
- Start date: 2006
- End date: 2009
Mariene comparatieve en omgevingsgenomica: populatiedynamische en adaptieve genetische veranderingen in geƫxploiteerde visstocks
- during period
- Start date: 2005
- End date: 2006
Marine genomics Europe Network - Implementation of high-throughput genomic approaches to investigate the functioning of marine ecosystems and the biology of marine organisms
- during period
- Start date: 2004
- End date: 2008
Metapopulation structure and dynamics of estuarine fish
- during period
- Start date: 2002
- End date: 2006
Metapopulations of marine fishes: a case study of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus on the Belgian Continental Shelf
- during period
- Start date: 2000
- End date: 2003
Micro en macro evolutie van de mariene ectoparasiet Gyrodactylus (Monogenea, Platyhelminthes)
- during period
- Start date: 1998
- End date: 2002
Microspeciation of marine gobies
- during period
- Start date: 2000
- End date: 2000
Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria
- during period
- Start date: 2006
OA-CL-016 BE-POLES: Belgische Polaire onderzoekscluster
- during period
- Start date: 2003
- End date: 2006
Ontwikkeling van een gedocumenteerde gegevensbank over uitheemse vissoorten in Vlaanderen met bijkomend onderzoek naar de blauwbandgrondel
- during period
- Start date: 2000
- End date: 2001
Opvolging van de larvale retentie en populatie connectiviteit van zeetong in de Noordzee aan de hand van natuurlijke en genetische merkers
- during period
- Start date: 2006
- End date: 2007
Opvolging visbestand Beneden-Zeeschelde (Doel)
- during period
- Start date: 1994
- End date: 1998
Organisatie van de workshop 'State-of-the-art on the evolution of marine pelagic organisms of the Southern Ocean'
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2007
PADI-project : 'Pelagic antarctic diversity'
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2008
Phylogeography of an holarctic gadoid, the burbot, Lota lota L., based on genetic markers
- during period
- Start date: 1998
- End date: 2000
Polluants of eel. Actual distribution of the swimbladder parasite Anguillicola in Flanders
- during period
- Start date: 2001
- End date: 2002
Populatiedynamische en adaptieve genetische variatie bij de bedreigde Europese paling
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2011
Population genetic research on some rare and endangered fish species of the Flemish region
- during period
- Start date: 1998
- End date: 2000
Population genetic structure of the parasitic fauna of the gobies of the Belgian continental shelf
- during period
- Start date: 1997
- End date: 1998
Population genetics of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
- during period
- Start date: 1993
- End date: 1997
Population genetics of the migratory catfishes of the genus Pangasius in the Mekong river
- during period
- Start date: 2001
- End date: 2005
Project Hica: Kaapse Zeepaardjes Hica capensis
Spatial and temporal genetic structure of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) using microsatellite DNA and allozymatic markers
- during period
- Start date: 2001
- End date: 2005
Status, control and the role of the pelagic diversity of the Austral Ocean
- during period
- Start date: 2002
- End date: 2006
Study of the ichthyoplankton community on the Belgian Continental Shelf
- during period
- Start date: 2006
- End date: 2006
Support of a marine component during the Symposium 'Ecological genetics' on 5-7 February 2003 in Leuven
- during period
- Start date: 2003
- End date: 2003
Sustainable approaches to integrated management of aquatic resources in Southern Africa
- during period
- Start date: 2000
- End date: 2003
The structure of fish populations and traceability of fish and fish products
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2007
The threespine stickleback as a model for postglacial speciation, adaptation and developmental stability
- during period
- Start date: 2003
- End date: 2005
Tools for the genetic improvement of sea bass. Construction and preliminary application of a medium density linkage and synteny map
- during period
- Start date: 2001
- End date: 2005
Understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas
- during period
- Start date: 2006
- End date: 2011
Understanding connectivity patterns in marine fishes for sustainable management
- during period
- Start date: 2012
- End date: 2014
Vergelijkend onderzoek naar de genetische connectiviteit tussen Tarbot en Griet populaties in de Europese wateren. Een bijdrage tot duurzaam beheer.
- during period
- Start date: 2009
- End date: 2013
Vicariantie en soortvorming: monogenea parasieten en beenvissen als modelsysteem voor co-evolutie
- during period
- Start date: 2007
- End date: 2009
- thesaurus terms
- Aquaculture
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 473
- Biological oceanography
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 973
- Conservation genetics
- Environmental genomics
- Ichthyology
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 4224
- taxonomic terms
- Pisces [Fish]